Pay an invoice
If you have received an invoice it may relate to a service you have requested from the Council.
You can make a payment for a:
- Somerset Lifeline bill – select the option ‘invoice payments’
- School Penalty fine – select the option ‘invoice payments’
- Sundry Debtors
- Or any other invoice that you pay to Somerset Council or previously paid to Mendip District Council, Sedgemoor District Council, Somerset County Council, Somerset West and Taunton or South Somerset District Council
You will need to have a current debit or credit card. You can pay with most credit or debit cards.
For other payments relating to the area you live in, please see the information below.
Pay for other services
Here are links to some of our popular services where you can also make payments for bills and fees online.
- Pay your council tax bill
- Pay your rent or service charge
- Pay housing benefit overpayments
- Pay a parking fine or bus gate charge
- Pay a business rates bill
- Pay a licensing fee
- Apply and pay for a Blue Badge
- Pay for a concessionary bus pass
- Pay for a resident parking permit
- Subscribe, renew or restart a garden waste subscription
- Pay library fees and charges
- Pay Building Control copy charges
- Pay a Building Control Regulation Charge
- Pay for a car parking season ticket
- Pay for a planning services
- Pay for pre-application planning advice
- Pay for street naming and numbering fees
You can find other services by searching our site.