Check our flooding information page for the latest advice, travel updates and the current status of roads that have Emergency road closure gates.

ServiceStandardSub -WS / Workstream
Housing AllocationsHomes in Sedgemoor (HiS)
  • Contact the applicant within 3 days of a successful bid to view property before signing up.
Somerset West and Taunton (SWT) homes
  • Contact tenant within a week of end of cycle.
SAI – Housing 1
Housing - Anti-Social BehaviourHomes in Sedgemoor (HiS)
  • Respond to serious complaints or harassment by the next working day and less serious complaints in 10 days.
Somerset West and Taunton (SWT) homes
  • Contact within 24 hours for racial harassment and domestic violence.
  • Agree response with complainant within 10 days.
SAI – Housing 1
Housing and Communal AreasAs part of the housing management service, we will keep the neighbourhood and communal areas associated with the homes managed clean and safe. Working in partnership with tenants and other providers and public bodies where it is effective to do so. This service falls under the Regulator of Social Housing Neighbourhood and Community Consumer Standard.SAI – Housing 1
Housing Customer ServiceHomes in Sedgemoor (HiS)
  • Answer 80% of calls in 2 minutes
  • Aim to resolve 80% of queries at first point of contact
  • Duty officer available
  • Call back attempts within 48 hours
  • Acknowledge by letter or email within 2 working days
  • Written response in 10 working days
  • Reception response within 10 minutes (5 minutes if pre-booked)
  • Acknowledge all complaints within 2 working days
  • Respond to complaints within policy timescales
Somerset West and Taunton (SWT) homes
  • Call waiting time less than 60 seconds
  • Abandonment less than 10%
  • Wait in reception less than 10 minutes
  • Duty Officer available
  • Response from raising a case within 5 days
  • Respond to calls and emails within 3 days
  • Acknowledge complaints within 2 days
  • Respond to complaints within policy timescales (10 working days for Stage 1 and 20 working days for stage 2)
SAI – Housing 1
Housing - Customer Engagement and InvolvementCustomer Involvement and engagement makes sure customers are empowered to have a strong voice. They can influence decision-making by their landlord at all levels on how housing-related services are delivered through scrutiny and challenge.

We work to the national Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Standard for registered providers to take account of the diverse needs of tenants. Treating all tenants with fairness and respect, and to demonstrate they understand the different needs of their tenants.
SAI – Housing 1
Housing – Home Standard We comply with the national Home Standard. This sets out our work to ensure the quality of the homes we manage and our repairs and maintenance service to make them safe and secure. SAI – Housing 1
Housing – Neighbourhoods and communityThis Neighbourhoods and Community standard relates to land and properties managed by Homes In Somerset and by Somerset West and Taunton. It ensures that communal areas are clean, safe and well maintained. This includes play and recreational areas, car parks, communal areas inside blocks of flats, shared gardens and grassed areas.
Housing – Planned Works
  • Make sure each home complies with the Decent Homes Standard
  • Survey homes and inspect conditions every 5 years
  • Contact tenants in advance of planned major works to the home or communal area
  • Consult with tenants about options or choices available
Homes in Sedgemoor (HiS)
  • Publish a programme of planned works on our website and make sure the programme is available at any time upon request
  • Publish names of our main contractors on our website to make sure you are familiar with who we are working with
  • Ensure the rolling programme of planned works will be available on our website and is available at any time upon request
  • Introduce you to your Customer Liaison Officer who will be your main point of contact throughout the works
SAI – Housing 1
Housing - Rents
  • Set rent in line with rent standard
  • Offer a variety of ways to pay
  • Provide a service charge explanation
  • Work with you to pay off any arrears
  • Refer you for budgeting and benefits advice
  • Send out an annual rent statement
Homes in Sedgemoor (HiS)
  • Signpost you to support agencies when in financial difficulty
Somerset West and Taunton (SWT) homes
  • Internal team to offer specialist debt and benefit advice
  • Funding of external agencies to provide enhanced support
SAI – Housing 1
Housing - Repairs
  • Complete repairs on the first visit. If we attend a repair and cannot complete the job at that visit, we will arrange a follow-up appointment before we leave your home.
  • Flexible appointments
  • Aim to complete on first visit
  • Provide various reporting channels
  • Emergency repairs are completed within 24 hours
Homes in Sedgemoor (HiS)
  • Other repairs are assessed next working day
SAI – Housing 1
Housing - Safe HomesThe service will ensure compliance with all Statutory and Regulatory responsibilities as a Landlord and Employer including all obligations and requirements via the Building Safety Act 2022 in respect to Higher Risk Residential Buildings.

The Service will also meet the requirements of the Consumer Standards of the Regulatory Standards contained within Homes England Regulatory Framework for Social Housing 2015.
SAI – Housing 1
Housing - Tenancy SupportTenancy support services promotes independence and supports improving quality of life for older people and other vulnerable adults through a paid for service.SAI – Housing 1
Housing OptionsThe Housing Options service provides information, advice and assistance to help you to resolve your housing situation. We also administer the Homefinder Somerset allocation scheme so that homes are allocated in a fair and transparent way. We provide a holistic outreach service to people that are sleeping rough and we manage three permanent Gypsy and Traveller sites.

Where you have a housing issue, we will:
  • Provide you with tailored advice and information on your housing situation so that you can resolve your issue
Where you have made a homelessness application, we will:
  • Empower you to resolve your own housing situation so that you do not become homeless
  • Complete an assessment within 5 working days of the homelessness application
  • Create a Personal Housing Plan with customers within 5 working days of the assessment
  • Be honest with you about barriers that you might have to retain or find accommodation
  • Always carry identity badges - please always ask to see identification before letting anyone into your home
  • Offer to phone you back if you are phoning the service from your mobile and you do not have credit / inclusive minutes
  • Provide you with information on our complaints policy if you are unhappy with the service received
  • Give you the contact details for the officer dealing with your case
  • Keep arranged pre-appointment times with you wherever possible.
  • Provide a private area for confidential enquiries for pre-arranged face-to-face appointments
  • Use Bed and Breakfast accommodation to discharge a duty to secure accommodation for applicants with family commitments only as a last resort and then only for a maximum of 6 weeks
Where you have made a Homefinder Somerset application, we will:
  • Process your Homefinder Somerset application within 42 days of receiving the required information
  • Be realistic and transparent with you around the supply and demand of social housing
  • Offer advice around how to find a home in the private rented sector
  • Where you are not eligible to register for social housing, you will be offered advice and/or signposted to agencies who can provide additional support
Where you are accessing our rough sleeping outreach team, we will:
  • Respond to all reports of rough sleeping and van dwelling within 1 working day and regularly search hotspot locations – most effective early morning or late night to verify someone bedding down or about to bed down.
  • Carry out bi-monthly and annual rough sleeper counts
  • Complete thorough assessments of the needs and aspirations of people sleeping rough.
  • Reconnect people back to areas where they have support / family where they have no local connection to Somerset
Where you have applied to live on a gypsy and traveller site, we will:
  • Acknowledge all new applications within 10 working days of receipt of the application.
  • Fully assess an application and confirm the points awarded within 20 working days of receipt of the application.
  • Make an initial offer of accommodation to the successful applicant no later than 5 working days after the property is ready to relet.
  • Carry out emergency repairs within 24 hours of reporting, urgent repairs within 5 working days and other repairs within 21 working days.

In all the above service areas, we will make appropriate and timely referrals to support services as required.
SAI – Housing 2
Somerset Independence Plus (SIP)Somerset Independence Plus is a service commissioned by Somerset Council and the four Districts in Somerset to provide an integrated approach to disabled adaptations, home improvements, energy/fuel poverty advice retrofitting of insulation and heating measures, and prevention services.

We will:

  • Respond to a request for service within 10 working days
  • Respond to an urgent request for service within 1 working day
  • Submit a grant application for approval within six months of the enquiry *
  • Complete a Disabled Facilities Grant within twelve months of approval *
  • Customers who use our self-service support options can achieve an appropriate outcome
  • Achieve the individual and community outcomes in the attached document
Note: Those standards indicated by an * are statutory targets. The remainder are local service standards
SAI – Housing 3
Library ServiceThe library service is a statutory duty for the Council under the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964, which sets out that Councils must “provide a comprehensive and efficient library service for all persons in the area that want to make use of it"

There are no prescribed service standards nationally for public libraries. However, the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has issued guidance to help local authorities understand their statutory obligation.
SAI – Culture and Universal Services
Cemetery managementThe service ensures that all graves in managed cemeteries are in line with the policies of the cemetery and that all interments are managed professionally, and as expediently as possible with the relevant parties.SAI – Culture and Universal Services
Private Sector Housing and EnforcementThe service works with domestic property owners and tenants to ensure homes are safe, healthy and appropriate for their use. They proactively licence and inspect Houses in Multiple Occupations (HMOs), enforce minimum standards in homes across Somerset and encourage owners of empty homes to bring them back into use.SAI – Housing 3
Bereavement Service -CrematoriaTaunton and Yeovil Crematoria are committed to providing a quality provision of accessible bereavement services in an efficient and effective approach that is both sympathetic and caring to all our service users.SAI – Culture and Universal Service
Arts and EntertainmentArts and Entertainment provides opportunities for residents of Somerset and visitors to our county to engage with and access high quality creative arts and entertainment that inspires, educates, brings joy and celebrates the unique culture of Somerset.SAI – Culture and Universal Service
Registration ServicesStatutory Timescales
  • 98% of birth and stillbirths registered within 42 calendar days of event
  • 90% of deaths registered within 5 calendar days of death
  • 95% of certificate applications dealt with within 7 days of request
  • 100% of citizenship certificates to be completed correctly and notified to Home Office within 14 days of ceremony
Appointment Availability
  • 90% of customers offered an appointment to register a:
  • birth within 5 working days of request.
  • death/stillbirth within 2 working days of request.
  • notice of marriage or civil partnership within 10 working days of request.

A minimum of 90% of customers with an appointment seen within 10 minutes of appointment time.
SAI – Culture and Universal Service
BenefitsUndertake activities governed by the Department for Work and Pensions to ensure the correct benefit is being paid at the correct time.

To pay benefits and support accurately and quickly.  In doing so we aim to deliver these functions in an open and transparent manner that ensures access for our customers to information and to self-serve, fairness of decision-making, clarity of explanation, support, understanding and empathy.
RevenuesAccurately process changes to accounts, ensuring that we determine liability for Council Tax or Business Rates in accordance with the regulations and issue bills.

To obtain prompt payment in respect of every chargeable property.  In doing so we aim to deliver these functions in an open and transparent manner that ensures access for our customers to information and to self-serve, fairness of decision-making, clarity of explanation, support, understanding and empathy.
Commercial and ProcurementOperate a compliant and effective service which complies with all Governance requirements, the Authority’s Contract Procedure Rules and Standing Orders, the relevant UK legislation relating to public procurement best practice, incorporating the National Procurement Strategy Framework and Transparency Code.Finance
Business IntelligenceBusiness Intelligence is the delivery of analysis and insight which enable organisations to make evidence-led decisions.

Acknowledge 98% of service requests and outline the timetable for completion (except for complex requests), within 5 working days of receipt. For urgent requests, providing the same within two days as far as possible.
Business Intelligence
Business Change and Programme Management OfficePromote effective and efficient change by inspiring and enabling the identification and realisation of benefits for “customers” and communities, including where internal or system-wide improvement facilitates additional benefit for service users.Business Change and Programme Management Office
Business SupportEnsure that the services that we provide adapt and change to meet the requirements of the services that we support.  We will do this through regular meetings with service managers and responding to the feedback from the annual satisfaction surveys.Business Support
Flood and Water ManagementThe Planning Process

As a statutory consultee, in line with the Code of Practice relating to consultations on planning applications, the Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFA) is expected to respond to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) within 21 days of receiving a consultation.

Land Drainage Consent Applications

The turnaround time for consents is 2 months, as per the Land Drainage Act 1991.

Flood Investigations

Play a lead role in emergency planning and recovery after a flood event. Local authorities are ‘category one responders' under the Civil Contingencies Act and must have plans to respond to emergencies, and control or reduce the impact of an emergency.

Maintaining Register of Assets

A comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date register of all relevant assets and to implement a Flood Risk Strategy for the County.
Environment and Climate Change Sub Group 1 (Climate Change and Water)
Somerset Rivers AuthorityWork with our partner organisations to maintain funding for the Somerset Rivers Authority (SRA).

Invite proposals to secure SRA funding to deliver projects that meet SRA objectives.

Help the public access information related to flooding and water management in Somerset and the work of the SRA.

Respond to customer enquiries quickly and accurately.
Environment and Climate Change Sub Group 1 (Climate Change and Water)
Environmental Protection ServiceRespond to enquiries and requests relating to statutory nuisance, anti-social behaviour, searches, and other general environmental protection matters.

Issue permits and audit compliance for specified processes under the Pollution Prevention and Control regime.

Monitor local air quality and identify measures that may further assist air quality.
Environment and Climate Change - Sub-Group 3 (Environmental Health)
Environmental Health – Enforcement of Health and Safety at WorkEnsure we work with Health and Safety Executive (HSE) as effective, modern, and professional regulators carrying out inspections of workplaces, investigating accidents and responding to complaints and enquires relating to health and safety matters in Local Authority enforced workplaces.Environment and Climate Change - Sub-Group 3 (Environmental Health)
Infectious DiseasesRespond to reports of all reported infection where the risk to the public health is immediate and significant in accordance with the UK Health Security Agency Standard operating procedure for single cases of infectious disease RAG (Red, Amber, Green) rating.Environment and Climate Change - Sub-Group 3 (Environmental Health)
Private Water SuppliesMonitor private water supplies in accordance with statutory frequencies and take action to ensure supplies are clean and wholesome.Environment and Climate Change - Sub-Group 3 (Environmental Health)
LicensingProvide a prompt and efficient licensing service for a range of licensable venues and activities working with partners, balancing the need to protect the health and safety of residents and visitors as well as supporting local businesses.Environment and Climate Change - Sub-Group 3 (Environmental Health)
Heart of the Southwest Trading StandardsSupport economic growth by ensuring a fair, responsible and competitive trading environment and ensure consumers, especially the more vulnerable, protected, communities are safer, better informed and more fully engaged in the work of the Service.Growth 1 - Prosperity and Economic Dev
Prosperity and Economic DevelopmentProvide sustainable economic growth through place-based regeneration and business support activities.Growth 1 - Prosperity and Economic Dev
Bridges StructuresTo plan and undertake inspection regimes that ensure the condition of the assets is known and recorded and to prioritise and carry our repairs and improvement works based on inspection data and/or due to reactive events.Highways
Highways Emergency ServiceTo comply with legal obligations concerning the safety of the travelling public.

To prepare emergency plans in conjunction with other departments in order to respond to any civil emergency.

Comply with National Standards.
Highway LightingTo maintain the illuminated assets to our current Statutory Duty inline with the Code of Practice and Electrical Regulations as well as reduce our carbon and energy consumption by installing Light-emitting diode (LED) equipment.Highways
Highways and Transport Asset ManagementProvide the organisational platform for cohesive delivery of highways and transport asset management across Highways and Transport Operations to meet the requirements of the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Policy (HIAMP) and Strategy (HIAMS) and National guidance and standards on the delivery of highway services – such as the Department for Transport (DfT’s) Local Highways Incentive Fund.Highways
Rights of WayProtect the public right to the use and enjoyment of the public rights of way network by; undertaking planned inspections; responding to path issues; and referring to enforcement where appropriate.Highways
Routine Environmental MaintenanceTo fulfil our duties under Section 41 of the Highways Act 1980.

To fulfil our duties under the Noxious Weeds Act 1959.

To align with the general principles set out in the Code of Practice for Maintenance Management ‘Well-managed Highway Infrastructure’ 2016.
Highways Winter and Emergency ServicesTo comply with legal obligations concerning the safety of the  travelling public.

To prepare a Winter Service Plan to maintain access on roads on a priority network during adverse weather conditions.

National Standards for winter and emergency maintenance are set out in the Winter Service Section of the Code of Practice for Maintenance Management, “Well-managed Highway Infrastructure”, which was published in 2016 by the Road Liaison Group.  The standards adopted for Somerset are broadly in line with the recommendations in this document.
Road Closures Traffic Restrictions and EventsFacilitate safe events and road works through the agreement of Traffic Management plans and temporary traffic restrictions.

Comply with statutory requirements to make permanent changes to traffic restrictions such as one ways, speed limits and parking restrictions. Traffic Management
Traffic Management
Traffic EngineeringTo support safe and efficient travel for all road users  and comply with the duties under the Traffic Management Act 2004 by securing the expeditious movement of traffic and road users on the authority's road networkTraffic Management
Road SafetyDevelop, implement, and monitor the Safe Systems Road Safety Strategy to ensure that no one is killed or seriously injured as a result of a road crash, create safer communities, and improve the quality of life for residents and visitors.Traffic Management
Traffic ControlSupport safe and efficient travel for all road users by complying with the duties under the Traffic Management Act 2004.Traffic Management
Transport DataCollect, validate, manage, store, and share transport and travel data relating to the network in the Council area to understand the usage of the network, and support our duties under the Traffic Management Act.Traffic Management
Parking ServicesManage the Council car parks and on street parking restrictions in accordance with The Civil Enforcement of Road Traffic Contraventions (Approved Devices, Charging Guidelines and General Provisions)(England) Regulations 2022, Traffic Management Act 2004 and associated regulations and Council guidelines.

Introduce and review permit parking area in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and associated regulations in line with Council guidelines.
Traffic Management
Street WorksFulfil our statutory function and obligations.

Meet the objectives and benefits of the Somerset Council Permit Scheme.

Reduce disruption on the road network.

Drive improvement in overall network management.
Traffic Management
Equality and DiversityMake sure the organisation understands its responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and provides relevant guidance and challenge to make sure this is maintained or improved.Equality and Diversity
Building ControlEnsure that buildings subject to building work achieve the minimum standards of the Building Regulations.Building Control
Civil ContingenciesDischarge the duties under Civil Contingencies Act 2004 and other relevant legislation through a team of suitability qualified and experienced emergency planning professionals.

Operate in accordance with national resilience standards set out in the Cabinet Office Indicators of Good Practice for category 1 responders and the accompanying Local Resilience Forum Indicators of Good Practice.
Civil Contingencies and Emergency Planning
CommissioningProvide assurance to Senior Leadership about the approach to designing, developing, delivering, and reviewing strategies / polices / services for governance purposes; Embed the framework for commissioning into all commissioning activity across the authority.Commissioning
Fleet ServiceSupport the Council in delivering its services through procuring, maintaining, and ensuring that the management and operations of vehicles is safe and in line with relevant legislation across the whole authority (inc Operator licence Compliance). Additionally, the service aims to ensure value for money and support in the Council’s climate emergency through decarbonising fleet and its operation.Environment and Climate Change Sub Group 2 (Waste and Neighbourhood Services)
Ground CareThe service aims to support the wider environmental and community well-being objectives of the Somerset Council through delivering value for money services that meet local need (noting financial constraints) and are responsive to residents/the community.

Identify discrepancies between service standards and seek to harmonise.

Ensure services continue on day 1 (including the transfer of any licences or permits).
Environment and Climate Change Sub Group 2 (Waste and Neighbourhood Services)
Street SceneThe service aims to support the wider environmental and community well-being objectives of the Somerset Council through delivering value for money services that meet local need (noting financial constraints) and are responsive to residents/the community.

Identify discrepancies between service standards and seek to harmonise.

Ensure services continue on day 1 (including the transfer of any licences or permits).
Environment and Climate Change Sub Group 2 (Waste and Neighbourhood Services)
SWPPreserve our environment by making every effort to ensure our household waste is not wasted but reused as a valuable resource.

Deliver excellent customer service and value for money to create a more sustainable Somerset.

A comprehensive rolling five-year business plan sets out the activities Somerset Waste Partnership (SWP) is undertaking.
Environment and Climate Change Sub Group 2 (Waste and Neighbourhood Services)
Areas of Outstanding Natural BeautyThe core duty of an Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) designation is to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the designated landscape.

The activities and priorities of the service have been agreed and adopted by all partners as part of the statutory 5-year Management Plan and will be delivered over the next five years.
Environment and Climate Change Sub Group 4 (sports, leisure and countryside)
CountrysideMaintain safe to access natural greenspaces; Provide relevant information and interpretation to encourage all visitors to explore and enjoy natural greenspaces; Conserve habitats and species and prioritise where appropriate; Preserve geological and heritage features.Environment and Climate Change Sub Group 4 (sports, leisure and countryside)
Sport and LeisureMaintain safe to access, high quality, sporting, and leisure facilities; Provide relevant information and booking procedures with agreed fees and charges to encourage participation in sporting and leisure activities.

Lessen the carbon and environmental impact of facilities through programmes of decarbonisation and biodiversity enhancements at appropriate locations.

Management of Third Party Leisure Operators.
Environment and Climate Change Sub Group 4 (sports, leisure and countryside)
Planning ServiceConsult on and determine planning matters within the local planning authority area, including applications for new development, prior approvals, works to listed buildings, trees, mineral, and waste development; undertake required advertisements of applications/notices.Growth 2 – Planning and Enabling
Highways Development Management – Planning applications and Technical ApprovalsWork with developers, the local planning authority, and local communities to enable the economic growth of the area through positive engagement within the planning system.Infrastructure Delivery and Active Travel
InsuranceArrange insurance and assess all insurance claims made against the Council.

Acknowledging receipt of the claim within 7 working days and tell the customer if we have enough information to investigate
Land ChargesProvide a consistent, effective, and quality land charges service contributing to the efficient working of the local property market.Governance
Democratic ServicesProvide a professional committee administration service for the Council and provide a thorough Member Training and Development programme to ensure that the approach to development of Members is structured, consistent and effective.Governance
ElectionsMaintain the Register of Electors and running elections, ensuring that they are carried out in accordance with the Law.Governance