Check our flooding information page for the latest advice, travel updates and the current status of roads that have Emergency road closure gates.

What our priorities are and how we are doing
Definition document headingOur explanation
Strategies developed in partnership with other authoritiesThis information can be found on our partnerships page.
Strategies and business plans for services provided by the councilThis information can be found via the below links:

Exmoor National Park Management Plan
Future Transport Plan
Minerals and Waste Policy
The Regeneration Delivery Plan
The Renewable energy strategy
Rights of Way Improvement Plan
Waste Planning Policy
Statistical information produced in accordance with the Council’s and departmental requirementsStatistical information can be found from the Somerset Intelligence Network (SINe). SINe is a network of professionals working for a range of organisations across Somerset, who are specialists in statistics, data, research, consultation or other forms of information gathering.
Service standardsPlease submit a Freedom of Information Request to obtain this information.
Impact assessmentsImpact assessments
Forward planThis information can be found on the following pages:

County Plan
Cabinet – Forward Plan
Economic development action planThis information can be found on the Economic information page.
Capital strategyThis information can be found on our Budgets and accounts page.
Annual reportsOur performance reports are now produced four times a year (replacing annual reports). This information can be found on the Our Performance page.