Check our flooding information page for the latest advice, travel updates and the current status of roads that have Emergency road closure gates.

How we make decisions
Definition document headingOur explanation
Timetable of council meetingsThis information can be found on the Council Meetings page.
Agendas, officers’ reports, background papers and minutes of Council Committee, Sub-Committee and standing forum meetingsThis information can be found on the Council Meetings page.
Major policy proposals and decisionsYou can view major policy proposals and decisions and you can also search for notice of proposed key decisions on the Council Meetings page.
Facts and analysis of facts considered when framing major policiesThis information is included in reports to the County Council, previous Executive Board, Cabinet and other Committees. Details can be found on the Council’s Constitution page.
Public consultationsThis information can be found on the Consultations and engagement page.
Internal communications guidance, criteria used for decision-making, internal instructions, manuals and guidelinesPlease submit a Freedom of Information Request to obtain this information.