Council Tax Exemptions at 100%
Exemption | Percentage | Qualifying criteria |
Class B - Charity | 100% | An unoccupied dwelling which is owned by a charity. |
Class D - In Detention | 100% | An unoccupied dwelling which was previously the main resident of a person who is now detained in a prison, a hospital or other place of virtue of an order of the court. |
Class E - In a Residential home | 100% | An unoccupied dwelling which was previously the sole or main residence of a person whose main residence is in a hospital, residential care home, nursing home and receiving care and treatment. |
Class F - Probate | 100% | An unoccupied dwelling which has been unoccupied since the death of a person |
Class G - Occupation prohibited by law | 100% | An unoccupied dwelling where occupation is prohibited by law |
Class H - Minister of Religion | 100% | An unoccupied dwelling which is available for occupation by a minister of any religion. |
Class I - Receiving Care | 100% | An unoccupied dwelling which was previously the sole or main residence of a person where their main residence is in another place (not hospital or care home) to receive personal care |
Class J - Providing Care | 100% | An unoccupied dwelling which was previously the main residence of a person where their main residence is in another place for the purpose of providing personal care. |
Class K - Previously occupied by students | 100% | An unoccupied dwelling which was last occupied by a person who was a qualifying student |
Class L – Mortgagee in possession | 100% | An unoccupied dwelling where a mortgagee is in possession under the mortgage |
Class M – Hall of Residence | 100% | A dwelling provided predominately for the accommodation of students - hall of residences |
Class N – Occupied by Students | 100% | A dwelling occupied by one or more students |
Class O – Armed Forces | 100% | A dwelling of which the Secretary of State for defence is the owner – held for the purposes of armed forces |
Class P – Visiting forces | 100% | Properties occupied by members of visiting forces and their dependants |
Class Q – Trustee in Bankruptcy | 100% | An unoccupied dwelling in relation to which a person is a qualifying person in their capacity as a trustee in bankruptcy |
Class R – Pitch or mooring | 100% | A dwelling consisting of a pitch or a mooring which is not occupied by a caravan or a boat. |
Class S – occupied by person under 18 | 100% | A dwelling occupied only by a person/persons aged under 18 |
Class T – Planning restriction | 100% | An unoccupied dwelling which forms part of a single property which includes another dwelling and may not be let out separately from that other dwelling without a breach of planning control |
Class U – All occupiers are severe mental impairment | 100% | A dwelling occupied only by one or more severely mentally impaired persons |
Class V -Diplomat’s residence | 100% | Properties occupied by diplomats |
Class W – self-contained- Annexe | 100% | A dwelling which forms part of a single property including at least one dwelling and which is the sole of main residence of a dependant relative of a person who is resident of that other dwelling. |