S106 funds available as on 23 January 2024
Former district
council area
Brushford3/04/17/010Land adjacent to 2 Orchard Cottage,
Ellersdown Lane,
West Somerset CouncilCommunity facilities£10,000No expiry
Carhampton30/05/17/006Banner Cross,
Park Lane,
West Somerset CouncilRecreational facilities payment£2,00024/06/2025
Carhampton3/05/13/006Townsend Farm,
Main Road,
West Somerset CouncilCommunity facilities£13,455.7130/09/2026
Carhampton3/05/18/009Land to the south of Garlands, Withycombe Lane, WithycombeWest Somerset CouncilCommunity facilities£18,183.20No expiry
Cotford St Luke53/12/0008Orchard Lodge, Dene Road, Cotford St Luke, TauntonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilCommunity halls payment£25,181.02No expiry
Cotford St Luke53/12/0008Orchard Lodge, Dene Road, Cotford St Luke, TauntonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilAllotment payment£5,757No expiry
Crowcombe3/07/15/007Barn 3, The Homestead, Flaxpool Hill, CrowcombeWest Somerset CouncilRecreational facilities payment£2,000No expiry
Kingston St Mary20/04/0026Hill Farm, Kingston Road, Kingston St Mary, Taunton Taunton Deane Borough Council Children's Play payments £2,500 30/08/2028
Kingston St Mary20/04/0026Hill Farm, Kingston Road, Kingston St Mary, Taunton Taunton Deane Borough Council  Outdoor Recreation payment £1,612 30/08/2028
Minehead3/21/07/10631 Lower Meadow Road, Alcombe, MineheadWest Somerset CouncilRecreational facilities payment£385.10No expiry
Minehead3/21/13/084Land at Ellicombe Meadow, MineheadWest Somerset CouncilCommunity facilities£21,50020/04/2026
Minehead3/21/17/011The Homestead, Bircham Road, Alcombe, MineheadWest Somerset CouncilRecreational facilities payment£19,80008/06/2028
Minehead3/21/17/012The Homestead, Bircham Road, Alcombe, MineheadWest Somerset CouncilRecreational facilities payment£47,370.5021/09/2031
Minehead3/21/18/067Land at Beacon Road, MineheadWest Somerset CouncilCommunity facilities£10,000No expiry
Nettlecombe3/24/10/003Berrymans Yard, Beggearn Huish, Washford, WatchetWest Somerset CouncilRecreational facilities payment£1,000No expiry
North Curry24/13/0032Land to North West of Overlands, North Curry, TauntonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilCommunity halls payment£30,115.8029/05/2028
North Curry24/13/0032Land to North West of Overlands, North Curry, TauntonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilOutdoor recreation payment£11,76129/05/2028
Otterford29/07/0017Church Farm, Otterford Rd, Culmhead, Taunton, TA3 7EETaunton Deane Borough CouncilOutdoor recreation payment£8,54507/12/2025
Staplegrove34/07/00121 Mill Rise, Staplegrove, Taunton, TA2 6PYTaunton Deane Borough CouncilOutdoor recreation payment£19,609.78No expiry
Stogursey3/32/07/013Land at Burgage Road, StogurseyWest Somerset CouncilRecreational facilities payment£10,210.18No expiry
Taunton38/13/036858 Normandy Drive, TauntonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilCommunity halls payment£7,363.96No expiry
Taunton38/12/0234Kings College, 65-75 South Rd, Taunton, TA1 3DXTaunton Deane Borough CouncilCommunity halls payment£12,746.9412/06/2027
Taunton38/11/0587245 Staplegrove Road, TauntonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilOutdoor recreation payment£8,325.72No expiry
Taunton38/12/0203Land west of Killams, TauntonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilCommunity halls payment£292,040.2720/11/2030
Taunton38/18/0465Parcels of land on Bodmin Rd, Dorchester Rd, Wells Close, Cambridge Terrace and Rochester Rd, TauntonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilChildren's play payment£19,57813/11/2025
Taunton38/18/0185Car Park, Coal Orchard, Taunton, TA1 1JJTaunton Deane Borough CouncilChildren's play payment£63,968.51No expiry
Washford3/26/19/016 Former Nursery Site, A39, Washford, Watchet West Somerset Council Community Facilities £23,146.20 No expiry
Wellington43/10/0130Sportsman Inn, 46 Waterloo Road, WellingtonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilOutdoor recreation payment£5,00002/08/2027
Wellington43/17/0028The Mount, 21 High Street, Waterloo Road, WellingtonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilChildren's play payment£35,757.1611/10/2027
Wellington43/11/0062Rylands Nurseries and Sunnymead, Bagley Road, Rockwell Green, WellingtonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilOutdoor recreation payment£1,200No expiry
Wellington43/05/0004Cades Farm, Taunton Road, WellingtonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilCommunity halls payment£250,000 No expiry
Wellington43/18/0097Land adjoining North Street Car Park, Fore Street, WellingtonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilOutdoor recreation payment£42,510.3010/01/2032
West Bagborough45/13/0014Land adjacent to New Road, West Bagborough, TauntonTaunton Deane Borough CouncilAllotment payment£1,482.01No expiry
Williton3/39/08/032Long Street, WillitonWest Somerset CouncilCommunity facilities£2,000No expiry
Williton3/39/09/002Bridge Street, WillitonWest Somerset CouncilRecreational facilities payment£1,000No expiry
Williton3/39/08/03412A High Street, WillitonWest Somerset CouncilRecreational facilities payment£1,000No expiry
Williton3/39/10/02052 Long Street, WillitonWest Somerset CouncilRecreational facilities payment£1,000No expiry
Wiveliscombe49/18/0045Land at Sandys Moor, WiveliscombeTaunton Deane Borough CouncilChildren's play payment£46,325.05No expiry
Wiveliscombe49/12/0052Land to the north of Style Road, WiveliscombeTaunton Deane Borough CouncilAllotment Payment£6,406.13 18/10/2026