Zing Somerset Community Support
Health and wellbeing
Zing Somerset is the Council’s healthy eating and physical activity support.
The team comprises of Community Lifestyle Officers who run a variety of programmes across all ages, abilities and county wide locations.
In supporting communities, we will promote a range of local and national campaigns and opportunities to increase awareness and the benefits from being active and eating healthily. We will work towards enhancing the national health promotion messages by using a variety of web-based tools and face to face initiatives.
We will work with existing groups and partner organisations as well as setting up new opportunities to gain an understanding of what the community needs and wishes are; what has been tried previously, and how best to achieve the desired results of sustainable community led activities and messages.
If you have any questions please contact us on the information below.
Email: Onelifesomerset@somerset.gov.uk
Website: www.healthysomerset.co.uk
Facebook: Zing Somerset
Twitter: #onelifesomerset
Instagram: Zing Somerset
Type of provision
Universal - This is for everyone, including people with special educational needs and disabilities
Centre information
Accessibility and adjustments
Wheelchair access | No |