Payment service unavailable - We are making important improvements to our payment system, so phone and online payments won't be available from Tuesday 26 November to Wednesday 4 December. Find details on other ways to pay during this time here.


Termly group for SENCOs to share information, ask questions, and attend training.

What is it?

Somerset SEND Network receive 3 newsletters per year, with service updates.  2023/24 newsletters are due to be published 4 December, 18 March and 8 July.

Termly sessions take place 3 times a year face to face for SENCO’s to identify CPD and support needs, build networks and provide access to support through discussion, and



Who is it for?

This is a professional group for SENCOs.

Type of provision

Targeted - This is for people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families

Centre information

Accessibility and adjustments

Wheelchair access Yes
Additional SEN information for SENCO’s seeking support and professional development

Is this information correct?

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