
We provide a number of services aimed at supporting bereaved parents:

Listening Ear Helpline

  • 24 hour Listening Ear Helpline answered by trained volunteers
  • Every trained volunteer is also a bereaved parent
  • Callers can talk about any aspect of their bereavement, anytime, day or night
  • Volunteer listeners have direct experience of bereavement
  • Callers can be confident there is always someone there to listen

Drop-in Centres

  • Bereaved parents meet in an informal, safe, friendly and confidential environment
  • Staffed by trained volunteer bereaved parents
  • Parents can talk to others who can really understand and empathise with them
  • Complementary therapies are regularly arranged
  • There can be tears, of course, but also laughter too

Follow this link to our Events page for details of venues, dates and times

Befriending Service

  • Putting parents in touch with others who have lost a son or daughter through similar circumstances
  • Support for newly bereaved parents

Subsidised Counselling

  • A course of counselling therapy from a professional counsellor
  • Available to bereaved parents according to need
  • Applications for counselling will be considered on a case by case basis
  • The trust aims to meet some or all of the therapy cost

Type of provision

Universal - This is for everyone, including people with special educational needs and disabilities

Contact details

Telephone 01460 55120

Centre information

Accessibility and adjustments

Wheelchair access No


Address Ilminster, UK

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