
Remap is a very special charity, which works through 85 local panels of volunteers, including the Bristol Panel which covers the Bristol, North Somerset and South Glos. areas. Each panel comprises engineers, craftsman, and medical professionals.

We provide custom aids and devices to help disabled people of all ages to improve their quality of life, enabling them to perform everyday tasks, or to pursue a hobby that was previously impossible for them. Please note that we do not carry a stock of aids, but that each aid is custom made to suit the client.

Where commercially available aids are unsuitable, or simply do not exist, we can usually design and make, or adapt existing equipment, to produce a custom aid tailored to the needs of the client.

Our services are provided free of charge. Each local panel is responsible for raising its own funds. We use these to buy materials, although many of our materials are donated, and we also recycle items we receive from a variety of sources.

As all of our panel members are volunteers, our only expenses other than materials are travel and postage. We are therefore a very cost effective charity.

Our cases range from simple household aids for people with poor strength in their limbs, to complex cases involving design and manufacturing challenges. For examples of our work, visit the Bristol website

Type of provision

Specialist - This is for a small group of people with significant special educational needs and disabilities and their families

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Centre information

Accessibility and adjustments

Wheelchair access No

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