Access and Assistive Technology Team (previously PIMS and SENATAS)
Education and learning, Equipment and adaptations, Information, advice and guidance, Sensory and/or physical needs
The Access and Assistive Technology Team (previously known as PIMST and SENATAS) is part of the Children and Young People’s Specialist service (previously known as SPOT – Sensory, Physical and Occupational Therapy service), SEND & Inclusion support, Somerset. The AAT Team works with children and young people (C&YP) from birth up to 25 years old (post-16 young people will receive support in an educational setting only with EHCP).
The AAT Team has members based across the County and consists of:
- Advisory Teacher (AT)
- Specialist Speech and Language Therapist (SLT)
- IT Advisor (ITA)
- Specialist Support Advisors (SSA)
Why Choose Us?
We are a unique service, made up of experienced professionals from different fields. We offer bespoke advice and guidance concerning any child or young person in a Somerset school/setting with complex educational needs. We work closely with schools, families and the wider multi-disciplinary team to contribute to the holistic provision for each child and young person.
What do we do?
We visit children and young people in pre-school settings, schools and colleges and where necessary, we will carry out a home visit.
We provide information about the effects of physical impairments and/or medical needs.
We provide strategies and explore assistive technology solutions to support access to learning, communication and independence.
This might include:
- Assessing and advising on the use of alternative recording methods and skills.
- A detailed assessment of a child or young person’s Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) needs.
- Developing alternative access methods and skills for using a computer i.e. eye gaze, switches.
- Developing communication books for children and young people who are unable to point.
- Exam arrangements
- Exploring software that enables children and young people to participate fully in all learning activities.
- Environmental audit for safety in schools and settings for specific pupils with physical or medical needs in conjunction with Occupational Therapists.
- Advice to teachers, teaching assistants and SENCOs.
- Direct intervention for children and young people and staff e.g. communication and recording.
- Joint planning with schools/colleges to meet the children and young people’s needs.
- Support with transition between settings from Nursery to Primary/First School, Primary to Secondary School and Secondary School to Further Education establishments and onwards.
- Assessment and review to provide recommendations to evaluate and monitor the children and young people’s progress.
- Developing medical needs Policy.
- Advice and guidance regarding full inclusion and participation in school trips.
To ensure effective implementation, we offer advice, support, modelling and training throughout the academic year and at times of transition.
In addition to this we can provide training in the following areas:
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPS).
- Evacuation Chair Training.
- Supporting pupils in school with medical conditions.
- Personal and Intimate Care.
- Technology (making the most of the accessibility functions on a typical school computer)
- Bespoke training opportunities relating to individual children and young people.
Our expert advice aims to help children and young people to access the curriculum and enable them to be an active member of their community.
Helpful documents
- Accessible Venues 2023 – to be read in conjunction with the Including pupils with specific requirements in Trips and Visits Out of School policy
- Detailed Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) for schools and other educational settings 2023
- Epilepsy Toolkit 2023
- Personal and Intimate Care Plan – template 2023
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Document – A Good Practice Guide 2023
- Individual Healthcare Plan – template
- Moving and Handling Risk Assessment – template MH1
- Safe Systems of Work – template 2023
Type of provision
Targeted - This is for people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families
Contact details | |
Website | |
Centre information
Accessibility and adjustments
Wheelchair access | Yes |