
Our current project, in partnership with Wilder Woods Forest School, is based at Catsham, near Baltonsborough, on Mondays from 9.30am to 3.30pm, and is funded by the Big Lottery Fund. The funding is for 18 to 24 year olds with additional needs who are currently not in education, training or employment, and has three aims:

  • to help young adults gain independent skills in growing food
  • to develop skills and experience useful for employment, teamwork, working independently, designing and carrying out a small project to completion, awareness of health and safety and minimising risks in working practice
  • physical and emotional wellbeing

We are funded up until April 2018 so there is no charge for attending. Some of the benefits that the young adults who are attending have gained are:

  • experience of teaching skills to others
  • basic marketing and selling skills
  • working with others

Being outside and involved in a project has also increased all our participants’ sense of wellbeing.

Type of provision

Universal - This is for everyone, including people with special educational needs and disabilities

Centre information

Accessibility and adjustments

Wheelchair access No

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