Gecko Community
Education and learning, Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
We support students aged from 11 to 20 who are struggling with mainstream education due to special educational needs (diagnosed or undiagnosed), trauma, mental ill health or other challenges. Our aim is for students to return to full time education, employment or training via a process of collaborative planning, communication and strong relationships with schools, parents and students.
We offer bespoke packages with each student having a provision which suits their needs and goals. Most of our sessions are online with weekly face to face wellbeing sessions. We offer a Core Provision, Transitions package, Covid-recovery/Re-engagement package and Wellbeing package. These can be short or long term.
Our sessions are mainly 1:1 with a teacher or our wellbeing lead. We use a negotiated curriculum, meaning we meet students on points/topics of interest and use these as a springboard to formal learning and qualifications including GCSE’s. Our long term goal is to have a centre within Frome. This was planned for September 2020 but has been put on hold due to the uncertainty of COVID-19. In the meantime we will hire appropriate venues when we need to.
Students are offered a variety of bespoke packages focusing on Community, Wellbeing and Education. Students are empowered by offering a holistic approach that places student wellbeing central to all we do. Our exact offer depends on the student’s age, ability and path. Each student will have a different timetable as we fit to their needs and plans. Students are with us
for a minimum of a term up to two years.
Type of provision
Targeted - This is for people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families
Contact details | |
Website | |
Centre information
Accessibility and adjustments
Wheelchair access | No |