
Osteopathy is a healthcare system that assesses how the body is functioning as a whole. Your health is the combination of mind, body and spirit working together. You are a whole, not just your body. Pain is your body’s way of giving you information. Osteopaths don’t ask “What can I do to this person to get them better?” They ask “What is stopping this person from getting themselves better?” This broader perspective enables the practitioner to look at a person as a whole not just a sore joint, or back pain.

Osteopaths look at not only the areas of the body that you feel discomfort, but assesses the whole of you. On a physical level this might just be how your foot, knee and hip are affecting your neck and headaches, or how your pelvic floor and breathing are contributing to your disc injury. But it also could be how your life trauma or everyday stresses are affecting how you stand and your beliefs about yourself.

Felicity is very experienced at ‘listening’ and ‘palpating’ the body as a whole, enabling her to diagnose and treat effectively. She uses gentle techniques to establish better function, movement and balance.

Everybody is unique and so every treatment is going to be different. The aim of each treatment is to find what it is that your body needs to do today for it find better health.

To find out more, visit Osteopathy Felicity Booty.

Type of provision

Universal - This is for everyone, including people with special educational needs and disabilities

Contact details

Telephone 07930472452

Centre information

Accessibility and adjustments

Wheelchair access No


Address Felicity Booty Registered Osteopath No 4674, Bramble End, Broadway, Edington, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA7 9HA

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