Educational Psychology Service
Cognition and learning, Communication and interaction, Education and learning, Information, advice and guidance, Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
A team of over 30 Educational Psychologists (EPs), Trainee EPs and Assistant EPs, working across the county.
The EPS works closely with educational settings, as well as other support agencies, to support children and young people in Somerset aged from 0 to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) or additional needs, working closely with families.
Where a pupil continues to make less than expected progress, despite evidenced based support and interventions matched to the pupil’s area of need (please refer to Somerset’s Graduated Response Tool), the school should consider involving specialists, such as EPs (Code of Practice, 6.58).
Every mainstream Somerset school and college has a linked EP, some of our work is ‘traded’ (funded by the setting) and some of our work is funded by the local authority. EP involvement is typically agreed with the school SENCO. If your child is undergoing a statutory Education Health and Care Needs Assessment then an EP will be involved in this assessment process. If your child’s school thinks you child requires EP involvement, they will discuss this with you and obtain consent prior to this happening.
EP involvement is personalised to the situation but typically our involvement can include: an observation of your child in their setting; carrying out some assessment work with your child; and meeting with you, the SENDCo and the class teacher. The EPS is committed to working in collaboration, promoting the accurate identification of needs and taking a solution-focused approach.
The outcomes of seeing an EP may include:
- development of practical strategies;
- creating environments that bring about positive change;
- a deeper understanding for the adults involved;
- as well as sharing information and agreeing actions and priorities.
As part of the EHCNA, we provide a holistic overview of a child’s strengths as well as their special educational needs. We work with the education setting, parent carers and other professionals to provide a written report (our psychological advice) which is considered alongside other reports and advice.
Collaborative Outcome Meetings (COMs) are a collaborative way for parents and carers to participate in the Education, Health and Care needs assessment. You may be invited to attend a meeting with the EP, an Assessment and Reviewing officer (ARO) the school SENDCo and any other professional involved in supporting your child. Everyone at the meeting can contribute views and ask questions. More information can be found here: Collaborative Outcomes Meetings Guide.
Find out more in the video or leaflet below
Type of provision
Targeted - This is for people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families
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Centre information
Accessibility and adjustments
Wheelchair access | No |