
A structured 6 week group for parents/carers providing a space for them to enjoy creative time with their baby though sensory, songs and story exploration.

Baby-Start group promotes attachment between infant and carer giver as well as opportunities for practitioner and peer support and developing friendships in the community. Baby-Start supports families right through the first 12 months of their baby’s life and aims to empower new families to give their baby the best possible start in life.

Based on the current success of our antenatal provision project, we encourage new parents to access Baby Start to develop their bond between themselves and their baby providing the baby’s first model for intimate relationships and foster a sense of security and positive self-esteem.

It’s easier to bond with your baby if the people around you are supportive and help you develop confidence in your parenting abilities. Baby Start actively requires the parent to participate.

There are songs, games, sensory sessions, baby massage and story times, specifically designed to help bond newborn with their parents, So having a space like Baby Start with an experienced mentor who you can trust and rely on for support will help new parents feel special, supported and safe and to then go on to provide peer support for other new parents themselves, sharing good practice in child rearing across our local communities, and building community capacity.

Type of provision

Universal - This is for everyone, including people with special educational needs and disabilities

Contact details

Telephone 01643 707304

Centre information

Accessibility and adjustments

Wheelchair access Yes


Address Home-start West Somerset, Children Centre, Stephenson Road, Alcombe, Minehead, UK

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