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Curry Mallet Primary school is located in the village of Curry Mallet offering school places for children ages 4 to 11. The school is open from 8.50am until 3.15pm. We also offer wraparound care with breakfast club from 7.45am and afterschool club until 5.15pm Monday to Thursday and 4.15pm on a Friday. We also have a preschool on site which takes children from 2 to 4 years old. The Preschool is open term time only 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday.

Contact details

Telephone 01823 480421
SEN information report

Centre information

Ofsted information

Last Ofsted rating Outstanding
Date of last Ofsted report 12/03/2014
Ofsted reference number 123751

About the school

Headteacher Mrs Katie Hill
Chair of Governors Benjamyn Toms
Clerk of Governors Mrs Pippa Fowler
Finance Manager Mrs Lorraine Rawlinson
SENCO Mrs Nic Van Cole
School Councillor Ms C Aparicio Paul - Cons
Admissions policy


Address Curry Mallet C Of E Primary School, Lower Street, Curry Mallet, Taunton, Somerset, TA3 6TA

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