Road projects

We deliver Major Highway Schemes which have been identified through the Local Transport Plan process



You can contact us for information on major road schemes, such as the latest implementation schedule. We will respond to your request within 10 working days.

The period of time from the submission of a bid for Major Schemes funding to implementation would be a minimum of 2 years, but more often it is longer.

We deliver Major Highway Schemes (schemes where design and construction costs exceed £5 million), which have been identified through the Local Transport Plan process.

We manage the development of these schemes from initial conception through planning, compulsory purchase orders, tender and construction.

Recent projects

In recent years, the Major Projects have implemented the East of Taunton Park and Ride, the Taunton Third Way scheme, Taunton Northern Inner Distributor Road and M5 – J24 Huntworth Roundabout.

The Major Schemes are funded through part grant funding from the Local Transport Board, the remainder through borrowing approvals to Somerset Council and, where appropriate, contributions from relevant private sector developments.

How to express concern about a major road scheme

Please phone or write to us.

Please include:

  • Your name and address and contact details
  • Your preferred contact, such as, reply by letter, email or set up a meeting
  • The exact details of your concern including a road reference and location

Process for scheme being approved

The Local Transport Plan policy document is subject to Council Member approval before submission to the Government Office and Department for Transport for consideration.

Requests for individual schemes, to be funded from the Local Transport Plan capital pot which are received from various sources including parish councils, councillors, the public and Council officers are assessed against Local Transport Plan funding criteria and targets before being ranked through a score carding process.  The schemes scoring highest in the scorecarding process for each of the investment priorities are then progressed using any available funding.

The Major Schemes Team is responsible for Major Schemes and significant Local Transport Plan schemes (over £500,000), and the Local Transport Plan Implementation Team for other LTP schemes and the ranking process.

Last updated: March 12, 2024

Next review due: September 12, 2024

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