About the service
We are responsible for the maintenance of 6500kms of road network. Many of these roads have associated land or verges which, in the majority of cases, also belong to us. Any trees situated in these areas are our responsibility.
If you want to report that a tree or branch has fallen onto the road and is causing a hazard, use the button below.
Report problem with a tree by the road
If you have already reported a problem, you can check the status of your report using your report reference number.
We maintain and preserve our trees while making sure they do not pose a risk to people or property. We deal with the management and maintenance of trees situated on highway land throughout Somerset. We also deal with tree enquiries from the public and parish councils. We can also provide general advice about horticultural or arboricultural related issues.
When we receive an enquiry, we record the details and check our records to make sure we own the tree. Most of the time we will visit the site to inspect the tree.
We deal with emergencies as soon as possible, and less urgent cases within 10 working days.
If your query relates to trees that are protected by a Tree Preservation Order or are in a Conservation Area, please see our Tree Preservation Order page.
Reporting a problem outside of our hours
If you need to report a problem outside of our normal working hours (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm) and you believe it is urgent and a risk to public safety, please phone 0300 123 2224.
Trees that are outside your house
If a tree outside your house needs pruning, please contact us.
Permission to fell or prune a tree
Trees may be subject to planning controls which we administer, so we advise you to check with us before starting any work to trees. Formal approval must also be sought from us if the tree is subject to a Tree Preservation Order. Six weeks’ written notice must be given if the tree is in a Conservation Area.
Report an overhanging hedge obstructing the road
Maintaining a hedge is the responsibility of the landowner. If a hedge encroaches on a highway and causes a hazard or an obstruction, the landowner is expected to cut the hedge back. If a landowner fails in this duty and this inconveniences highway users, we can serve notice on the owner to ensure the hazard or obstruction is removed.
If you are concerned that a Council-owned tree is damaging your property
You will need to put your allegations of damage in writing to the County Arboriculturist. We will inspect the site as soon as possible and tell you about any action that needs to be taken. You should also contact your building insurer for their advice.