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Stoke St Mary CP

Modification Number882
DistrictSomerset West and Taunton
ParishStoke St Mary

Bishop’s Lydeard CP

Modification Number881
DistrictSomerset West and Taunton
ParishBishops Lydeard

West Bagborough CP

Modification Number880
DistrictSomerset West and Taunton
ParishWest Bagborough CP

Bishops Lydeard

Modification Number881
DistrictSomerset West and Taunton
ParishBishops Lydeard

Compton Pauncefoot CP

Modification Number878
DistrictSouth Somerset
ParishCompton Pauncefoot CP

Staple Fitzpaine CP

Modification Number877
DistrictSomerset West and Taunton
ParishStaple Fitzpaine CP

Shapwick CP

Modification Number876
ParishShapwick CP

Shapwick CP

Modification Number875
ParishShapwick CP

East Coker CP

Modification Number874
DistrictSouth Somerset
ParishEast Coker CP

Moorlinch CP

Modification Number873
ParishMoorlinch CP

Hardington Mandeville CP

Modification Number872
DistrictSouth Somerset
ParishHardington Mandeville CP

Bawdrip CP

Modification Number871
ParishBawdrip CP

Baltonsborough CP

Modification Number870
ParishBaltonsborough CP

Sparkford CP

Modification Number869
DistrictSouth Somerset
ParishSparkford CP

Cannington CP

Modification Number868
ParishCannington CP

Chapel Allerton CP

Modification Number866
ParishChapel Allerton CP

Churchstanton CP

Modification Number865
DistrictSomerset West and Taunton
ParishChurchstanton CP

Cricket St. Thomas CP

Modification Number864
ParishCricket St. Thomas CP

Combe St. Nicholas CP

Modification Number862
ParishCombe St. Nicholas CP

Yeovilton CP

Modification Number861
ParishYeovilton CP