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Public Rights of Way

How we look after our rights of way network


Somerset is a wonderful county with lots of different things to see. The best way to enjoy its beauty and history is by using the Public Rights of Way Network. There are over 9000 paths in the county, adding up to 3808 miles (6129 km).

The path network in Somerset is very diverse. It includes long routes like the South West Coast Path and the River Parrett Trail, as well as many circular routes and local country paths.

Most of the paths in Somerset are public footpaths, which means you can only walk on them. There are also many public bridleways where you can walk, ride a horse, and cycle, but you need to give way to other walkers and horse riders. There are fewer restricted byways and only a few byways open to all traffic. Restricted byways allow walkers, horse riders, cyclists, and non-motorised vehicles like horse and cart. Byways open to all traffic allow everyone, including motorised vehicles.

We make sure you can use the paths and keep the legal records of public rights of way up-to-date. We have also created a Rights of Way Improvement Plan for the county and are responsible for the recruitment for, and servicing of the Somerset Local Access Forum.

If you would like to get involved in supporting this resource, the Rights of Way Team has a range of voluntary opportunities where members of the public can get involved. You can find out more on our Volunteering Somerset website.

Report an issue on the network

You can use the Explore Somerset map to report issues that you find on the public rights of way network. Try to mark the issue on the map as accurately as you can as this helps the wardens and rangers to locate and investigate. Issues will be assessed and where necessary, action taken to try and resolve them. If you give your email address on the form, you will get updates when the issue has been assigned, resolved or closed.

View the network and the modification register

You can plan a walk, ride or cycle, or simply check where a public right of way is then follow this link to view the entire public rights of way network in Somerset. You will also be able to see what type of assets (for example, stiles, gates) are on the paths or view and report issues on the network.

View details of applications that have been made under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to modify the Definitive Map and Statement:

Highways and Commons Deposits Register

Landowners can protect their land from new rights of way and town and village green claims by depositing with the Council Highways Statements, Declarations and Landowner Statements.

Our register of existing deposits is available on Explore Somerset.

The England Coast Path - Somerset

We have worked in partnership with Natural England to establish the 93 km (58 mile) Somerset stretch of the England Coast Path between Brean Down and Minehead. The route was officially opened on 15 March 2016.

For more information about the route please visit our England Coast Path page or the National Trails website. A map of the route is shown on the Explore Somerset interactive map. When Ordnance Survey maps are revised they will show the route.

Rights of Way Improvement Plan

The Rights of Way Improvement Plan explains how we plan to make public paths and services better in Somerset. This includes improvements for walkers, cyclists, horse riders, and people with visual or mobility impairments. The plan has policy statements and an action plan.

The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 placed a duty on all Highway Authorities to produce a Rights of Way Improvement Plan by November 2007. The first Somerset Rights of Way Improvement Plan was adopted in 2006 and has since been revised with Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2 adopted in 2015.

The network of public paths has been around for over 50 years, and in many places, it has not changed much. The landscape and how we use these paths have changed a lot. So, we need to create a path network that fits the needs of both residents and visitors now and in the future. But, we have to do this within the current restrictive legal framework.

Public consultation resulted in over 1000+ suggestions for new routes, diversions or improvements to existing routes. These proposals have been prioritised using the Rights of Way Improvement Plan scorecard and will be investigated further as and when resources allow.

The Rights of Way Improvement Plan is part of the Future Transport Plan and is to be reviewed at least every 10 years.

Open access land

Under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, people can walk freely over mapped access land without having to stay on public paths. We are responsible for making sure people can access this land and managing it, working with the Somerset Local Access Forum. To find out more information about open access land please contact us or visit the Natural England website.

Landowners and long-term tenants can apply for restrictions to suspend or prevent access onto their land for land management, safety or fire prevention reasons. You will need to apply for restrictions to Natural England. Please phone the Open Access Contact Centre on 0300 060 2091 or email Signs will be placed at access points to the restricted areas with an indication of when the restriction will be lifted.

The new rights do not entitle you to ride a bike or a horse, drive a vehicle, camp, hunt, fish or collect anything from the area, light fires or take part in organised games or commercial activities. However, this does not affect existing rights such as bridleways and footpaths or any other rights that apply locally.

In Somerset, over 63 sq. miles or 163 km² of land has been successfully opened up as access land. We have worked with landowners and land managers to help to ensure that where possible, the land is fully accessible, whilst not conflicting with conservation and heritage interests.

Please observe our countryside code by:

  • planning your route and following signs
  • leaving gates and property as you find them
  • protecting plants and animals
  • taking litter home
  • keeping children and dogs under control.

More information

We release data containing details of the rights of way in Somerset. The date of this data is 27 September 2024. Please be aware that the Interactive Mapping includes any changes made since this data was obtained.

Any use of this data must include the date of the data and the following disclaimer

The precise line of a right of way can only be determined by reference to the Definitive Map (1:10560 scale). Somerset Council can accept no responsibility for any error or inaccuracy which may arise from the transposition of the Definitive Map to a different scale.

Last updated: November 29, 2024

Next review due: May 29, 2025

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