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Car park PayByPhone service

Information about the PayByPhone service in operation in some car parks around Somerset


The PayByPhone service operates across most of the Pay and Display car parks in Somerset. You can use the service to pay for parking your car. It is easy to use and there is clear information on the signs in the car parks using this service.

How to register with PayByPhone

There are two ways to register for this service.

  • visit the PayByPhone website and provide vehicle and payment details
  • book parking by phoning 01823 220185 or downloading the smartphone ‘PayByPhone Parking’ app

You will need to quote the location code and the length of stay before confirming the booking. Once your parking has been booked you can extend your parking time without having to return to your vehicle.

iPhone and android phone users

iPhone and Android phone users can download a free PaybyPhone app. iPhone users can download the app from the Apple iTunes store. You can register, find your nearest PayByPhone car park, manage your account, and pay to park directly through the app.

If you need any help phone PaybyPhone on 0330 400 7275 or find support at PayByPhone here.

Terms and conditions of parking

  • Payment must be made at the time of parking.
  • Enforcement action may be taken if you have not paid for parking or the time you have paid for has expired.
  • You are responsible for entering the correct vehicle and location information when you park.
  • Normal parking regulations apply.
  • Parking suspensions may be in force in PayByPhone locations at any time. Always check for signs and find an alternative parking space where necessary.
  • Somerset Council is not responsible for mobile network coverage or network failure. It is your responsibility to make sure that your parking payment covers the entire duration that your vehicle is parked.
  • Reliance on SMS reminder texts does not provide an exemption to this rule.

Last updated: November 29, 2024

Next review due: May 29, 2025

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