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Closing a road for an event

Helping to minimise traffic congestion and risks to safety on the highway if you are planning an event


Somerset welcomes and encourages high-quality events throughout the year, ranging from large festivals and sporting events to small community events. The information on this page has been collated to help organisers understand the requirements and to apply for the correct orders and licences.

If your event requires a Temporary Traffic Restriction, such as a road closure, you will need to apply for a formal order.

Road Closure and Traffic Orders

Depending on the type of event, you will need to apply for a road closure under either:

  • Section 21 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, or
  • under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 – Temporary Traffic Regulation Order.

Section 21 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847

A road closure under the Town Police Clauses Act is appropriate for small community events such as parades, public processions or for an event when the streets are thronged or likely to be obstructed, for up to 3 hours. This may include events such as Street Parties, National Days of Significance and small community Gatherings of short durations.

This type of closure is not suitable for the fabrication of structures on the highway, or if there is a current traffic order in place that requires suspension (such as reversing a one-way or suspension of parking restrictions).

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order

If your event takes place on the highway and a road closure is needed or you require a restriction such as a temporary speed limit, the reversal of a one-way system or other traffic restrictions, then you will require a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order.

The Cost of an Order

If you are unsure of what Order your event will require, please visit the Contact section to discuss before your application is made.

Nature of Road ClosureExampleOrder TypeFee
Nature of Road ClosureNational Days of Significance ExampleFor example, an event which is substantially celebrated or commemorated across the countryOrder TypeTown Police Clauses Act FeeNo fee
Nature of Road ClosureSmall Community Street Parties and eventsExampleWith a short-term closure of up to 3 hoursOrder TypeTown Police Clauses Act Fee£200
Nature of Road ClosureAn event which takes place on the highway ExampleFor example markets, festivals, fairs and sporting type eventsOrder TypeTemporary Traffic Regulation OrderFee£645

We must receive these applications no later than 84 days before the event. Please contact us to discuss if your application is required within 84 days.

Nature of Road ClosureExampleOrder TypeFee
Nature of Road ClosureAn event which takes place adjacent to the highwayExampleBut traffic restrictions are required, such as a temporary speed limit or closing a road for safety reason Order TypeTemporary Traffic Regulation Order Fee£1525

We must receive this application no later than 84 days before the event date. Applications received earlier than this may not be able to be processed in time; however, if resources permit it may be possible to process the application but an additional ‘fast track’ fee of £1100.00 will apply.

Nature of Road ClosureExampleOrder TypeFee from
Nature of Road ClosureFilmingExampleWhich takes place on the highwayOrder TypeTemporary Traffic Regulation OrderFee from£645

For all filming enquiries please contact our Filming Office Screen Somerset.

Apply to close a road for an event

This form has 4 pages and will take approximately 8 minutes to complete.

Once your application has been reviewed by a member of the team, it will be acknowledged and payment details on how to pay will be provided in an email. Please note that payment must be received before your application can be processed.

Where applicable, we will explore options to reduce costs for charitable events but must ensure full cost recovery. Applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis and rely on the network being free of planned works for the duration of your event.

For more information and to check what documentation needs to be submitted with your application, please head to the Downloads section at the bottom of this page. A Traffic Management Plan will also be required.

We always recommend that event organisers check the network prior to applying to close a road. To view current events and works, please visit

The Process

There are 3 steps to closing a road:


When we receive the application, we check that the information supplied is complete and that we have received payment. We carry out a desktop study to assess the closure and possible diversion routes. We will assess the supplied documentation to ensure its adequacy and advise on any amendments required. We notify the emergency services and communicate the closure, which may include newspaper advertisements at key stages during the application process.

Signage maintained

The diversion route signs must be maintained for the duration of the road closure. This is carried out by the company or accredited persons conducting the traffic management for the event. Anyone installing traffic management on the highway, must be appropriately qualified to do so and we will request information in the Traffic Management Plan. Details can be found in our Event Organisers Guidance Pack in our Downloads section.


When completed you will receive the sealed Temporary Traffic Regulation Order, allowing your traffic management team to lawfully implement the restrictions.

About the Somerset Safety Advisory Group

Organisers can benefit from guidance provided by the Somerset Safety Advisory Group. Through consultation and joint working between the Council and its partners, including Avon and Somerset Police, South West Ambulance Service, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue, and Trading Standards, it aims to standardise the approach to all organised events.

These are events that are open to the public and are staged in a public place, on a highway, or on private, or council owned land in Somerset.

Attending a Safety Advisory Group – if you are planning to hold an event and would like advice, phone  0300 123 2224

Additional Permits and Licences

Every event that takes place on or near the highway is different and may need different licences and notifications. The most common applications that may be required are:

Applications concerning the use of Public Rights of Way.

If the nature of your event means you need to place temporary traffic lights or stop and go boards on the public highway, you must have a licence and will need to apply to place temporary traffic lights on the road.

Does your event mean that you need to temporarily suspend enforced on-street parking? If so, please complete an application for Parking waivers, suspensions and dispensations (Please note this can be a part of a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order , please discuss this with the Events Traffic Management team).

If you are planning to erect structures or place temporary street furniture, equipment or machinery – for example fairground rides or generators – on the highway then you will need to apply for a Section 171 licence.

Some events activities may require licensing to enable them to take place. This may include Street Trading, Alcohol Sales, or Live Music. Please contact the Licensing Team.

Contact the team

If you would like to talk to us about your application before submitting it, or seek clarification on what you may need, please contact the team:

Events Traffic Management Team
Somerset Council
County Hall

Phone – 0300 123 2224
Email –

Last updated: February 17, 2025

Next review due: August 17, 2025

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