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Highway safety inspections

How we carry out our inspections and information on our policy and procedures

Why we inspect

We have a statutory duty under the Highways Act 1980 to maintain the highway network. Our aim is to keep the highway in as good a condition as possible by undertaking planned maintenance and maintaining safety by fixing defects such as potholes and defective manhole covers. Prevention being better than cure, it is not only more cost-effective but also results in better quality roads, footways and cycleways in the county.

Planned inspections

This is where we decide in advance which highway is going to be inspected and at what frequency. The busier the highway, the higher frequency of inspection. For example, busy town centres and the main road network are inspected monthly whereas a local rural lane may be inspected annually. This makes our budget go further, helps to extend the life of a stretch of road and reduces the chance of problems happening in the future. We follow an inspection routine to help us get the information we need so that we can deal with the most urgent road repairs and safety defects first.

Reactive inspections

We get lots of reports of issues from customers. We want to know about these, so if you see a highways problem, please report it using our online form. Our target to inspect these reports is 3 working days. We also have a team of highways officers who travel the county all year round, inspecting road conditions. If something is spotted during an inspection, then the highways officer investigates it in more detail.

When we find out about a highways problem, we will make a decision on whether to do something about it. Our decision will be based on how severe the problem is and the location.

How we inspect

Our safety inspections identify problems that may become hazardous to road users. The risk of the hazard is assessed by our highways team at the site so that the correct action can be taken. Some defects will be assessed as not being urgent but still need attention. We will plan these in to be fixed as part of our planned routine maintenance, but the works may be done at a later date.

Our Highways teams use our Highway Safety Inspection Manual (PDF 1.33MB) as a guide to help them when completing a risk assessment of a defect. It gives guidelines about how quickly we should investigate and examples to help us make the best decisions.

Our teams also use their judgement to assess the risks that apply to what they find at the site and use their expertise to decide when the repair should be done. There may be times when the priority that is given is different to the manual. The reasons for any decision will be recorded at the time of the inspection.

Roads that we are not responsible for

The M5, A303 and A36 are operated and maintained by Highways England and are not part of the road network that we are responsible for. Enquiries relating to motorways and trunk roads should be referred to Highways England.

Last updated: March 5, 2024

Next review due: September 5, 2024

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