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Highway Authority consultation on planning process

We provide the Highway Authority's response to all development proposals in Somerset


We provide the Highway Authority’s response to all development proposals in Somerset.

This service is available to developers, agents or individuals looking to secure planning consent.

When a developer, agent or applicant asks our viewpoint on a specific development proposal, we will check our records and respond with our view, being mindful of the relevant policy guidance and site history.

We will provide comments on any highway works that may be required as part of the proposed development.

When contacting us please provide:

  • the application number, if known
  • site location or name
  • applicant’s details
  • an overview of the development proposal.

You can also check our planning information to see any highway observations that have been made on a specific application or development proposal. The most up to date plans relating to a development can be viewed and downloaded.

Once Highway Authority observations have been made, if you wish to appeal against any advice please refer to the Highway Advice Appeal Procedure in the Downloads section.

We provide the Highway Authority’s response to all development proposals in Somerset, ranging from a single property to major development proposals. We provide formal transportation advice on over 9000 planning applications each year. We seek, where possible, financial contributions towards major schemes as well as securing physical works from developers to enable the delivery of new highway infrastructure as a result of development.

The Planning Liaison Team provides the Highway Authority response to development proposals that have an impact on the Highway Network. This can be as part of the planning application process or as part of a pre-application consultation.

Contact the team

Please email us if you have any enquiries about planning applications

Appeal Procedure

Appeals against Highway Advice on Planning Applications

Our Highways Development Management has a duty to provide highway advice on planning applications. We will also provide pre-application advice on the highway aspects of planning applications direct to the customer. We appreciate that sometimes the advice we give may be disappointing and you may wish to appeal. If you are unhappy an appeal should be raised with the Group Manager of Transport Development who will review the highway advice that has been provided. The appeal should be in writing and should include as much information as possible to allow the officer to review the advice. This should include any planning application reference numbers and clearly describe the grounds for objecting to the advice that was provided.

The Service Manager of Highways Development Management will be responsible for completing the review and will respond to you within 10 working days with either an update or the final result of your appeal. Once an appeal decision has been made, we will not review the decision on that appeal unless significant changes or amendments have been made to the planning application.

Last updated: March 5, 2024

Next review due: September 5, 2024

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