Future Transport Plan

A plan that sets out our long-term strategy for getting the best from transport


Somerset’s Local Transport Plan (named Somerset’s Future Transport Plan) sets out our long-term strategy for getting the best from transport.

The Future Transport Plan sets out our transport policy for the next 15 years. It describes the challenges we face and the policies, strategies, plans and investments that will help us tackle these challenges. It covers the period between 2011 and 2026 and replaces Somerset’s Second Local Transport Plan, which finished in March 2011.

Download a copy of Somerset’s Future Transport Plan (PDF 2.02MB)

Supporting evidence

The transport policy directory, schedule of policies, policy document transport and development and the implementation plan 2013 to 2017 are in the downloads section below. They explain more about how we developed the plan and how it will be put into action. There are also links to detailed technical information for stakeholders such as the strategic environment assessments and equalities impact assessments.

Somerset’s Future Transport Plan is supported by a series of transport policies, strategies and plans, these can be accessed through our Transport Strategies, Policies and Plans page.

Somerset’s Future Transport Plan was developed by the Transport Policy Team in collaboration with highways, public health, district councils and other stakeholders. For more information on what the Transport Policy Team does and what projects are in development, please see our Transport Policy page.

Contact the team

Email TransportPolicy@somerset.gov.uk

Last updated: September 11, 2024

Next review due: March 11, 2025

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