Transport Asset Management Plan

The Transport Asset Management Plan outlines how the transport assets in the county are assessed and managed

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The Transport Asset Management Plan outlines how the transport assets in the county are assessed and managed

IntroductionHow we use itOur road networkAbout the Transport Asset Management PlanDownloads


We have a key commitment to improving Somerset’s highways and transport infrastructure and the Transport Asset Management Plan represents an important component of this goal by clearly outlining how the transport assets in the county are assessed and managed.

The original Transport Asset Management Plan 2009 set a high standard for future versions to build on and it was recognised nationally as a leading example of a Transport Asset Management Plan.

How we use it

Through the Transport Asset Management Plan elected members will be able to make more informed decisions on investment in the highway network, so that the interests and the needs of the community are best served, the highways and transport service is at the optimum level, and resources are used to maximise benefits in a timely manner both now and in the future.

Somerset’s transport assets, which are used by nearly all residents, businesses and visitors to the county, provide a vital contribution to the economic health of the county and the quality of the environment, as well as providing a range of social and recreational benefits to our customers.

Our road network

Ensuring the ongoing safety of all users of the network is also a high priority for us as a Council.

We have a transport network consisting of over 6,600 km of Highway and more than 6000km of Public Rights of Way. This Transport Asset Management Plan sets out the strategic goals and objectives for the transport network, with the levels of service achieved and the asset management processes in place.

About the Transport Asset Management Plan

The Transport Asset Management Plan is a tactical document linking strategic documents such as the ‘Local Transport Plan’ to operational documents such as the ‘Highway Network Management Plan’.

This Transport Asset Management Plan is the second edition of Somerset’s ‘Transport Asset Management Plan and includes improvements set out in the Improvement Plan in Transport Asset Management Plan 2009. The Transport Asset Management Plan creates a clear plan of action, extending into the future, around which activity can be organised. The plan is updated and rolled forward annually with review processes driven by performance monitoring. It presents an opportunity on an annual basis to identify and address new challenges, to establish a consensus and facilitate decision-making on priorities and to clearly communicate those priorities.

Last updated: March 25, 2024

Next review due: September 25, 2024

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