Council Tax enquiries - There may be delays in speaking to our Customer Service Team due to a high volume of calls.
You can find information about your Council Tax bill on our Your Council Tax bill explained page.

Report a problem with a street light

We maintain and repair street lights to national standards to provide safe access to all road users


You can report a non-urgent fault with a street light by using the ‘Report now’ button below.

When you report a faulty street light we will inspect it as soon as possible. We normally repair them within 5 working days but where lights are not working because of supply cable faults this could take longer.

Emergency faults

Examples of emergency faults include:

  • damaged or vandalised equipment
  • exposed wires
  • loose columns in the ground
  • failure of large areas of lighting (such as all lights on a major road or roundabout)

To report emergency problems with a street light, contact us on 0345 601 0939.

Street lights we are responsible for

We are responsible for maintaining street lights on all adopted highways. An adopted highway is a road, footpath or bridleway that is maintained at public expense, usually by the highway authority.

We are also responsible for street lights in Somerset Council owned car parks, parks, and amenity areas. We are not responsible for Street Lighting that has been installed on new developments until formal adoption has taken place.

Moving street lights

Requests to have a street light moved must be put in writing. If you would like to request moving or removing a street light, please email

Requesting new street lights

Requests for new street lighting should be passed to the parish or town council with as much information as possible.

Last updated: November 25, 2024

Next review due: May 25, 2025

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