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Apply for a Blue Badge if you have a hidden disability (a non-visible condition)

How to apply for a disabled parking badge under the hidden disabilities criteria


You can apply for a Blue Badge if you have a hidden (non–visible) condition that causes severe difficulty with journeys between a vehicle and the destination, and if you:

  • are constantly a significant risk to yourself or others near vehicles, in traffic or car parks
  • severely struggle to plan or follow a journey
  • find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others
  • regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control
  • frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public or open spaces

The way you apply for a Blue Badge under the hidden disabilities (non-visible condition) criteria depends on your circumstances.

  1. You would be automatically eligible under the new criteria if in your Personal Independence Payment in the ‘Planning and following a journey’ section you score exactly 10 and descriptor E states you ‘Cannot undertake any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant’. If you have this score and descriptor, please apply online on the GOV.UK website.  You will automatically get a Blue Badge.If we need to see your current award letter or annual updating letter, we will ask you. (If you have any score other than 10 points under descriptor E, in the ‘Planning and following journeys’ section of the Personal Independence Payment you may still be eligible for a Blue Badge, but you do not automatically qualify. This includes if you have a higher score of 12. You will have to provide evidence to demonstrate your eligibility which will be assessed as part of your application).
  2. If you have, or have very recently had, a professional involved with your care, you must ask them to complete a Professional Support Form. You can request professional support by using this form – Request for a professional to support your application.

This form has 3 pages and should take about 5 minutes to complete.

You must fill in your details on the first page, enter the professional’s name and work email address on the second page and tick that you have consent for them to complete the form on your behalf. Clicking on the ‘Submit’ button will then email a copy of the form to the professional.

Please wait for the confirmation email to say that we have your Professional Support Form before sending in your photograph and making your payment as we need your form before we can start processing.

We will accept the Professional Support Form as both your application and medical evidence. You must then provide a payment of £10 using a debit card and email a passport style photo of yourself or the applicant to Please also give your name, date of birth and address in the email.

Professionals who can fill in a Professional Referral Form can be staff from Adult or Children’s Social Care, the Children’s Disability Service, Learning Centre support managers, Community Mental Health Teams, therapists, Day Centre managers, care managers who have assessed the applicant, a psychiatrist, specialist nurses or other healthcare or associated professionals involved in treating or managing your disability.


We do not recommend asking GPs to complete these forms – they do not witness the difficulties you have moving from your car to a building in person.

If the professionals listed above do not apply to you, but you think you may be eligible, please apply online on the GOV.UK website. You must provide medical evidence to support your application, and the standard documentation listed below. We only require in-date relevant medical evidence to support your application, not including appointment letters or historical information. Your case may then be referred to an Occupational Therapist – your application may take up to 8 weeks to assess.

Applying for the first time - documents you must provide

A recent clear passport style photo – It must show your full face and be easily identified.

Proof of your identity (ID), such as:

  • A copy of the photograph page of a valid passport
  • A copy of a valid photocard driving licence – the front of the photocard showing your name, address, photograph and signature
  • A copy of your birth or adoption certificate
  • A copy of a marriage or divorce certificate, a civil partnership or dissolution certificate

Proof of your address – you must submit one of the following, dated within the last 12 months

  • A council tax bill
  • A bank or building society statement
  • A utility bill – gas, electricity, water or phone bill
  • A copy of a valid photocard driving licence – the front of the photocard showing your name, address, photograph and signature
  • A benefit letter showing your address
  • A payslip showing your address
  • A pension, HMRC or Tax Credit letter
Medical evidence

You must supply medical evidence to prove you have the conditions that affect you. Please provide one or more of the following:

  • Copies of repeat prescription forms if you are taking medication to treat your condition
  • Diagnosis letters or correspondence from doctors, hospitals or other health care professionals confirming your condition

Please make sure you have all this available before you apply. You must provide your National Insurance number and have a payment card available.

We aim to process blue badge applications within 6 to 8 weeks of receiving the application, all supporting documents and payment. Some applications need to be assessed by an Occupational Therapist and may take up to 8 to 10 weeks to assess. That is, 8 to 10 weeks from the time we receive your application and all the supporting information we need. We will write to you if this applies to you.

When we receive your application we must have all your supporting documents and payment within 10 working days.

It is best to upload any documents you need to send us at the time you apply online. Please do not send us original documents. We cannot accept responsibility for the loss of documents in the post. After we have processed your application, if you ask us to, we will return any original documents to you by standard Royal Mail postal delivery.

Applying to renew your Blue Badge - documents

If you are applying to renew a badge in Somerset

  • Photo – in Somerset, we can use the photo you sent us for your current badge unless your appearance has changed significantly – if your appearance has not changed significantly, you do not need to send us a new photo, unless you want to.
  • Identity proof – you do not need to send this.
  • Address proof – you do not need to send this, unless your address has changed since your last application.

If you have been awarded and held a badge for the last three years and you are applying to renew, in Somerset you do not need to send us medical evidence unless we ask you.

It is best to upload any documents you need to send us at the time you apply online. Please do not send us original documents. We cannot accept responsibility for the loss of documents in the post. After we have processed your application, if you ask us to, we will return any original documents to you by standard Royal Mail postal delivery.

Paying for a Blue Badge

A Blue Badge costs £10. You should pay at the time you apply on the GOV.UK website.

If you have already applied and have an application reference, you can pay online. Only use this option when you have already applied.

Last updated: February 11, 2025

Next review due: August 11, 2025

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