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Protection of existing greenspaces, green networks and the creation of appropriate new greenspaces



The Greenspace Supplementary Planning Document was adopted on 6 February 2023. The protection of existing greenspaces, green networks and the creation of appropriate new greenspaces is essential to healthy and vibrant local communities.

The Supplementary Planning Document provides guidance on the implementation of policies in the Mendip Local Plan Parts I and II relating to the provision and protection of open space and greenspace.

The document covers Local Plan policies relating to:

  • new and existing open spaces identified under Policy DP2
  • recreational spaces identified under Policy DP16
  • other greenspaces subject to Policy DP1

The Supplementary Planning Document provides a description of the valued characteristics of sites designated by Policy DP2. The Supplementary Planning Document also covers council requirements and approach in relation to new informal and formal space/facilities where national standards have been updated or revised.

The Council is also preparing a Greenspace Audit, mapping greenspaces across Mendip, with a focus on the settlements. The Audit updates previous open space studies undertaken in 2008 and 2012 and consolidates and aligns with the assessment work carried out whilst preparing the Local Plan Part 1 and Local Plan Part II.

The Audit also notes open spaces which have been identified by policies DP2 or DP16. These spaces are designated by the Local Plan and have been subject to consultation and Examination. The boundaries of these designations cannot be amended within this Supplementary Planning Document process.

Last reviewed: May 9, 2024 by Keri

Next review due: November 9, 2024

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