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Opportunities and Projects to regenerate the Town Centre

The former Mendip District Council commissioned environmental and planning consultants LUC to develop a Masterplan for Shepton Mallet town centre.

The masterplan will support Somerset Council’s future funding bids for high street, heritage, and infrastructure improvement projects. It will inform local planning policy and design briefs. It will also help to steer effective use of council-owned land and buildings, support local actions for economic recovery and attract private development and investment.

The Masterplan will provide a basis for projects that seek to improve:

  • accessibility and movement,
  • the quality of open and public space
  • appearance of buildings and infrastructure

Stage 1 - Baseline report

The baseline report (July 2021) covers the background to the masterplan, current strategies and specific challenges facing Shepton to be covered in the study.

The report identifies five objectives for the  town which are:

  1. Re-imagining the High Street
  2. Connecting people (creating places for people to meet and engage)
  3. Connecting up the town centre (better ‘wayfinding; and connections/ facilities  for pedestrians and cyclists)
  4. Attracting users and investment (promoting the town centre as a destination and boosting employment)
  5. Creating resilient spaces (green networks)

Stage 2 - Detailed Assessment

These reports assess the town centre in more detail (looking at strengths, weaknesses and opportunities):

Stage 3 - Consultation on Opportunities (October 2021)

The baseline and detailed reports were used to identify a range of projects and opportunities in different parts of the town centre.  Consultation on a long list of opportunities and town centre areas took place in October 2021.

Proposals have also had input from discussions with Shepton Town Council, local business and landowners.

View the consultation output report.

Stage 4 - Final Masterplan and shortlist of projects (May 2022)

9 concept projects have been worked up in more detail focusing on the public realm, walking and cycling links and ‘greening’ the town centre. They provide short and long-term illustrations and examples for Shepton Town Centre.

Levelling Up Fund -  Round 2

The council will be using the Masterplan to develop and support funding bids to the Government ‘Levelling Up’ fund.  Bids to the fund are based on parliamentary constituencies and focus around three themes:

  • smaller transport projects that make a genuine difference to local areas
  • town centre and high street regeneration
  • support for maintaining and expanding cultural and heritage assets

Last updated: May 1, 2024

Next review due: November 1, 2024

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