In August 2018, the former Mendip District Council took a bold and unusual move to buy a long-term empty site in Frome town centre for regeneration.
This was known locally as Saxonvale.
The Council purchased three plots of land next to one another that were owned by Notts Industries, Terramond and Frome Town Council. The combined land amounts came to around 12 acres.
The aim was to deliver a sustainable, high-quality commercial and urban living development on the banks of the River Frome with a mix of uses and accommodation to help meet current housing demand.
July 2024
At a meeting of the Somerset Council Executive, hosted by Frome Town Council on 31 July 2024, Members considered a range of options for the site, including two unconditional offers – one from Mayday Saxonvale Development Ltd and one from Acorn Property Group.
Acorn Property Group were selected as the preferred party.
In reaching a decision, Members considered their legal obligations to seek ‘best consideration’ for all Somerset Council taxpayers.
Acorn then withdrew their proposal.
Following confirmation from Acorn that they were withdrawing their proposal for the Saxonvale site, Somerset Council opened discussions with the alternative developer, Mayday Saxonvale Development Ltd.
January 2025
A special meeting of the Executive Committee was held in Frome Town Hall on 23 January where Executive members reviewed options for the Frome site, and considered an updated proposal from Mayday Saxonvale Development Ltd.
The decision to sell to Mayday was unanimous. It generates a capital receipt for Somerset Council, plus savings in revenue costs which are currently being incurred to secure the site.
This is an unconditional sale, which means the control and responsibility on how the brownfield site is developed passes to the developers.
The sale proceeds with a view to completion before 31 March 2025.