Section 106 funding in South Somerset

If you need funding for a project that will benefit the communities in South Somerset, there may be funding available.

Who can apply

Applications are normally invited from the following not-for-profit organisations whose activities benefit residents of the former South Somerset district area: 

  • Local Authority, such as District Council, Town Council, Parish Council, Somerset Council
  • Educational establishment 
  • Company limited by guarantee with charitable status 
  • Registered charitable organisations 
  • Unincorporated not for profit organisations 

Capital and revenue

The difference between capital and revenue:

Capital – Section 106 funds may only be spent on new facilities, or improvements to facilities where the new development has contributed to the need for that facility or will have an impact on the existing facilities. These costs can also include project management costs.

Revenue – Section 106 funding for revenue costs (also known as commuted sums) is for expenditure or costs, which primarily relate to the maintenance of existing facilities. This includes minor repairs, replacement or redecoration and cannot be used towards Capital projects. Commuted sums will be paid after completion of the project.

In both cases retrospective funding is not permitted. 

Eligible projects

Section 106 funding can only be awarded to Capital projects that are in accordance with the contents of the relevant Section 106 Agreement or Unilateral Undertaking.  

Typically Section 106 funding will be required to be spent at a specific location and on specific Type of  Provision. The Types of Provision are listed below. 

Equipped play

To create new equipped play areas or to improve existing play area. These areas are designed primarily for play and social interaction involving children and young people.

Youth facilities

To construct facilities designed primarily for young people, such as ball courts, skateboard areas and teenage shelters.

Sports playing pitches

To create new playing pitches or improve existing pitches.

Changing rooms

To create new changing rooms or improve or expand existing changing rooms.

Public open spaces

Accessible, high quality opportunities for informal recreation and community events close to home or work, or enhancement of appearance of residential or other areas.

Artificial grass pitches

Man-made pitches designed for all weather use, typically floodlit. Construction can be tailored to suit one specific sport, or cater to several, for example hockey and football.

Community halls

Provision of new or enhancement of existing village and community hall space.

Sports halls

Indoor sports halls designed for use by multiple types of sports.

Strategic facilities

Destination facilities that usually serve a wide catchment area and can include for example swimming pools, theatres, indoor sports centres.

How to apply

The following steps to Section 106 funding detail the process you will be required to follow, both prior to submitting a Section 106 Funding Application and as you proceed through the planning and delivery of your project. 

Step One 

Before submitting a Section 106 Funding Application form you must:

  • contact the team to check your organisation and project are eligible for a grant, and to confirm the Section 106 funding available 
  • have made all necessary pre-application contacts 
  • have gathered and collated all required information
  • request a Section 106 application form

Please note, at this stage we may ask to work with you further to ensure your project can be as successful as possible. Section 106 Funding Applications submitted by non-eligible organisations or those which have not provided all the information required cannot be assessed. 

Step Two 

If you are happy that your organisation and your project is eligible and you have all the necessary information, you can complete our Section 106 funding application form and return it to us.

Step Three 

Once submitted your application will be validated. Incomplete applications will be returned as part of the validation process, so please ensure these are completed correctly. Once validated we can assess your application. 

Step Four 

Once fully approved you will receive a Section 106 funding award offer and Acceptance of Award declaration, which sets out the details of the project being funded, the amount of Section 106 funding being offered and the conditions attached to the Section 106 funding award. 

If your application is declined, we will provide a summary of the reasons why. 

Step Five 

Once we have received your Acceptance of Award you may proceed with ordering goods and services to deliver your project, in accordance with the agreed proposals contained in your Section 106 funding award offer. 

Important – Section 106 funding is not secured until we have received the signed Acceptance of Award, you should not start your project before you complete this step of the process.

Step Six 

Funding is released once the project is complete and details of how to submit requests for payment will be set out in your Section 106 funding offer. 

Depending on the size and value of your project you may be able to submit interim claims for part payment of the Section 106 funding.  We will include details of this in your funding offer. 

Step Seven 

We will require monitoring evidence of how the project has performed.   

Congratulations your project is finished. 

Guidance for planning a play area or youth facility

Please see below for general guidance on what you should consider when planning your play area or youth facility project for your community. This will help you install good quality equipment that will last and that you can easily maintain. 

  • Installation of quality equipment – this should meet EN1176 Play Equipment and EN1177 Safety Surfacing regulations 
  • A good design – experience play companies can assist with this. You can also look at other parish play areas for completed recent projects and contact the Parish Clerk for good practice information. You should also consider landscaping environment, furniture, signage and accessibility of the area 
  • Support for your project – you should consult the Parish Council and residents in the first instance to establish what equipment is required for the project 
  • Insurance implications – check this with your insurance company
  • Regular inspections – industry standards strongly suggest the following:
    • weekly inspection (routine inspection)
    • quarterly inspection (operational inspection)
    • annual inspection

A routine inspection is a visual inspection and can be carried out by any competent person.  Training is advised and is usually a one-day course. Somerset Council offer a service to carry out weekly and quarterly inspections (other companies also provide this service).  Annual inspections are done by qualified play inspectors.

  • Maintenance costs – a sinking fund for ongoing maintenance is advisable. Equipment generally lasts for around 20 years before replacement is required. Parishes can precept for maintenance costs and funding can also be in the form of Section 106 commuted sums, if this has been requested from a recent planning development in your parish 
  • Repairs and maintenance – issues discovered at inspections will need to be actioned. Maintenance will also include regular cutting of grass, litter picking and emptying of bins 

Last updated: February 12, 2025

Next review due: August 12, 2025

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