Planning services update

Latest planning services updates in Somerset

Validation of Applications

We have been working hard to address backlogs. We are currently operating in a more steady state.

Development Management update

In the first two quarters 2024-2025, we have issued:

  • North: 357 cases
  • East: 501 cases
  • South: 517 cases
  • West: 467 cases
  • Minerals and Waste: 5 cases

The work on hand is reducing but we know that there are still delays particularly in the East and South area. This is resulting in a change of approach and additional resources being brought in to reduce workload.

Applications in the East area that are not currently being proactively progressed by an allocated officer will be put into a holding area. We have new staff joining shortly and they will be tasked with picking up these cases in date order and moving them through to completion. This will enable officers to operate with more realistic case loads.

Please bear with us during this time as we work towards a more stable service.

Active or recent applications

Given current case loads we will be limiting negotiating during the course of the planning application.

  • If you have not engaged in pre application advice and significant changes are required to the scheme to address concerns or consultation responses received the application will be normally be determined as submitted.
    • If this will result in a negative recommendation you will be advised of the issues prior to determination should you wish to withdraw the application but we will not normally be accepting any further information or revisions.
  • If you have engaged and submitted in line with pre application advice and minor alterations are required we will try to accommodate these during the application process.

This is to ensure that we can provide decisions in a timely manner and reduce delays in the system. If you have been in ongoing negotiation with us on a case, the outstanding issues will be summarised and you will be offered a chance to submit information within a reasonable time frame. The application will then be determined on that basis.

Advice on new planning proposals

If you are considering a planning proposal and need advice, you can find guidance on our Pre-application advice page. We offer basic information on whether you need planning permission and more detailed advice, including fees and documents you should include.

Advice on the validation process or checklist

Validation is a step where we check that all the necessary documents and fees (if needed) are included with your application. If an applicant or agent submits an application where there are missing documents or mistakes, it will not be considered valid. We will let you know what is missing or needs correcting to proceed.

We have put together a Validation Checklist that outlines all the requirements for a valid application. You can find this checklist on our Information requirements for planning applications page.

General planning enquiries

For general planning enquiries, our Planning Technicians will provide limited guidance and direct you to further advice if needed.


We are currently receiving a lot of enforcement enquiries, so there might be some delays in our investigation process. We will manage these enquiries based on the priority levels outlined in our Enforcement Policy.

For more information, please see our Planning Enforcement Policy page.

Last updated: January 28, 2025

Next review due: July 28, 2025

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