
In July 2023, Somerset Council adopted a series of guiding principles to inform our overall approach to transport planning and development planning challenges and opportunities. At the same time, we committed to the public consulting on and subsequently adopting of a series of placemaking principles for movement as a material planning consideration.

In September and October 2023 we consulted on Creating Places for People, setting out our draft placemaking principles for movement. The idea of the principles is to steer new development in Somerset towards creating attractive and high-quality environments which are inclusive and accessible for all.

The principles should lead to high quality development and offer substantial benefit to people in Somerset by:

  • improving air quality.
  • reducing carbon footprints.
  • creating safe and easy access to schools.
  • creating places that are more resilient to the impacts of climate change, while protecting and enhancing nature and wildlife.

Creating connected, safe and healthy places will also help to improve quality of life and wellbeing.

The principles will look to ensure the above benefits can be realised through new development and they will inform the development of our new Local Transport Plan, Somerset-wide Local Plan and our overall approach to transport planning, development management (consideration of planning proposals) and other relevant policies and plans.

The draft principles are set out in the Creating places for people – Further information document produced to support the consultation.

Last updated: March 11, 2024

Next review due: September 11, 2024

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