Open space - Built facilities and playing pitch strategy
The Open Space Assessment is a detailed study of all types of open space within the Sedgemoor area. It provides an audit of the quality, quantity, and accessibility of existing open space, establishes the current levels of demand and projects future demand likely to arise by the end of the strategy period so that the appropriate level of provision can be planned. The Open Space Assessment also sets out quantity, quality and accessibility standards that will be used to secure appropriate future provision. They supersede those set out in the Adopted Local Plan although are broadly consistent with these earlier standards.
The Sedgemoor area Open Space Assessment was adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document by the former Sedgemoor District Council on 20 July 2022.
Built Facilities and Playing Pitch Strategy
The former Sedgemoor District Council prepared updated detailed assessments of all types of sports provision, both built facilities such as sports halls and hard courts, and playing pitches.
They provide an audit of the quality, quantity and accessibility of facilities and pitches, establish the current levels of demand, and project future demand likely to arise by the end of the strategy period. This is so that the appropriate level of provision can be planned for the future. The strategies then present options based on evidence and assessment. These documents replace the earlier Playing Pitch Strategy for the Sedgemoor area.
The Sedgemoor area Built Facilities Strategy and Playing Pitch Strategy was adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document by the former Sedgemoor District Council on 20 July 2022.