Ruishton and Thornfalcon Neighbourhood Plan
The former Taunton Deane Borough Council approved the designation of the Neighbourhood Area for the Ruishton and Thornfalcon Neighbourhood Plan on 15 July 2016. The area to which the designation relates is the whole of the parish as identified in the map in the document below.
Regulation 16 Consultation
Ruishton and Thornfalcon Parish Council have submitted a Neighbourhood Development Plan (The Plan) to Somerset Council. The Plan sets out a vision for the future and policies which may be used to determine planning applications in the Neighbourhood Plan Area. The regulations require these proposals to be consulted on before The Plan can progress to Independent Examination. Consultation will run from Monday 17 April till Thursday 1 June inclusive. Please see the documents, guidance and response form below.
The referendum on the Ruishton and Thornfalcon Neighbourhood Plan will take place on Thursday 8 February 2024.
Bellow are the published documents for the referendum.