Neighbourhood Planning

Shape the future of your local area by creating a Neighbourhood Plan or Neighbourhood Development Order.


Neighbourhood Planning provides an opportunity for communities to take a leading role in planning their local area. This can be done through a Neighbourhood Development Plan, often referred to as a Neighbourhood Plan, a Neighbourhood Development Order, or a Community Right to Build Order.

Neighbourhood Plans

A Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led framework for guiding the future development, regeneration and conservation of a parish (or group of parishes).

A Neighbourhood Plan may contain:

  • a vision
  • aims
  • planning policies
  • proposals for improving the area or providing new facilities
  • allocation of key sites for specific kinds of development.

It can deal with a wide range of social, economic and environmental issues (such as housing, employment, heritage and transport) or it may focus on one or two key local issues only.

A Neighbourhood Plan must comply with European and national legislation such as Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Regulations Assessment. It must also have appropriate regard to national policy and be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the Local Plan.

A Neighbourhood Plan can:

  • identify key priorities for a community that relate to the use of land
  • define where new homes, commercial premises or other development should be built
  • identify what new development should look like
  • protect locally valued buildings or green space
  • add detail to existing Local Plan policies

A Neighbourhood Plan cannot:

  • be used to prevent development happening in an area
  • propose less growth than in the Local Plan
  • be prepared without community input, consultation and support
  • conflict with local, national or EU policies

You can view a list of in production and made plans using this directory:

Read more about the Neighbourhood Plan process guidance

Neighbourhood Development Orders

Neighbourhood Development Orders are made by a parish council, or an organisation or body designated as a neighbourhood forum. They give a grant of planning permission to specific types of development within a defined area.

Locality: Neighbourhood Development Orders

Community Right to Build Orders

Community Right to Build Orders are a type of Neighbourhood Development Order made by community organisations, to give a grant of planning permission to specific types of development.
Neighbourhood Plans set out the vision for an area and the planning policies for the use and development of land within a parish or Neighbourhood Area. They must be used by the council when planning applications are decided.

Locality: Understanding Community Right to Build Orders

Last updated: February 14, 2025

Next review due: August 14, 2025

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