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The Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the timetable for the production of planning policy documents.

IntroductionMendip Local Plan Part IIDownload


The Local Development Scheme sets out the documents that make up the Development Plan for Somerset and the council’s work programme for updating them.

The Development Plan sets out a vision for the local area in terms of:

  • housing
  • the economy
  • community facilities
  • infrastructure
  • minerals and waste
  • conserving and enhancing the natural and historic environment
  • mitigating and adapting to climate change
  • achieving well designed places

The Council uses the policies within the Development Plan to assess proposals for new development.

The Somerset Local Development Scheme was approved on 4 Oct 2023. It replaces the Local Development Scheme for the former district and county councils in Somerset.

Mendip Local Plan Part II

Following a Judicial Review into the Mendip Local Plan Part II, the Council is currently undertaking the process required (under paragraph 6 of a High Court Order made on 16 December 2022) to consider where to allocate 505 units consequent on the judgement. This Order was updated on 14 July 2023 setting specific dates for consultation and submission.

An application to amend the dates in the Order was made in December 2023 and confirmed on 19 February 2024.

This update to the timetable came after the publication of the Local Development Scheme.

The agreed dates for the Limited Update to the Mendip Local Plan Part II are: Regulation 19 by 30 June 2024 Submission by 30 September 2024.

Last reviewed: June 26, 2024 by Ian

Next review due: December 26, 2024

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