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The Authority Monitoring Report evaluates the effectiveness of planning policies and the status of emerging policy documents.

Authority Monitoring ReportsMendipSedgemoorSomerset West and TauntonSouth SomersetSomerset County

Authority Monitoring Reports

The Authority Monitoring Report assess the performance of planning policies and considers the progress of emerging policy documents.

Authority Monitoring Reports are currently produced on a former district area basis as each geographical area has a different set of planning policies within its Local Plan. There are also Authority Monitoring Reports for Somerset that were produced to monitor the performance of Minerals and Waste Plan policies.

Earlier reports are available on request.

Somerset County

Local Aggregate Assessment
Evaluates the potential supply and demand of aggregates in the county. The National Planning Policy Framework requires Minerals Planning Authorities to plan for a steady and adequate supply of aggregates. This is achieved by operating an Aggregate Working Party, which provides input to each Mineral Planning Authority’s Local Aggregate Assessment. All of the latest information and resources for the South West Local Aggregate Working Party are held on Cornwall Council’s website

Last reviewed: June 21, 2024 by Neil

Next review due: December 21, 2024

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