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Somerset Council does not operate the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in the former Mendip area or West Somerset area, and mitigation required to support the needs of new development is secured through section 106 legal agreements. 


If you were granted planning permission before 1 September 2019, or have or intend to apply for a relief or an exemption from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in respect of a liability notice issued before 1 September 2019, then the changes introduced by the 2019 Regulations will not apply to you. It is particularly important to note that in such cases, failure to submit a commencement notice before starting any works onsite, will continue to result in the loss or the relief of exemption.

What is the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)?

The CIL was introduced by the Planning Act 2008 and is a standard charge to help pay for the provision, improvement, replacement, operation and maintenance of infrastructure.

It is charged at a set amount per square metre of additional floor area and increases each year on 1 January,  using the value published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

We will collect the charge, co-ordinate how funding is spent and report this to the community each year.

You can read our Community Infrastructure Levy transition note here here: Technical Note for transitional arrangements for CIL and Section 106

Does CIL apply to my development and how much is it?

From 1 April 2023, Somerset Council became a CIL charging authority and administers the CIL for three geographical areas: the former Sedgemoor, South Somerset and Taunton Deane district areas. 

Somerset Council does not operate CIL in the former Mendip area or West Somerset area and mitigation required to support the needs of new development is secured through section 106 legal agreements.  

CIL applies to new floor space and charges are based on the size, type and location of the new development. Charges are calculated on gross internal floor area of development. Developments under 100 sqm of additional floor space are not liable for CIL unless a new dwelling will be created. 

Payment of CIL is triggered by the start of development and can be made in cash, land or infrastructure subject to the Council’s agreement. 

CIL is also payable on retrospective planning applications where any CIL liability is payable immediately once planning approval is given. 

If CIL applies to my development, what is the process I need to follow?

The CIL Regulations was amended on 1 September 2019 and detailed guidance on CIL for planning permissions granted after this date, is published by the Government. Planning permission granted before this date is subject to the previous version of the Legislation and relevant guidance.

South Somerset CIL

This information only applies to development in the former South Somerset district. 

Charging of CIL in South Somerset commenced on new developments granted permission from 3 April 2017. 

The following types of planning applications are liable to pay CIL :

  • Applications for the creation of new dwellings. With the exception of sites within large housing sites proposed in Yeovil and Chard
  • Applications for large out of town retail development
  • Applications to extend existing homes by 100 square metres or more

How much is the levy? 

CIL  will be charged at the rates shown on the Charging Schedule and in accordance with the Charging Zones: 

CIL Charging Schedule 

Payment of Community Infrastructure Levy

CIL must be paid within 60 days of the commencement of development. Where a CIL liability is over £16,000 the liable party may pay in accordance with our Instalments Policy which is available below: 

Instalment Policy

Community Infrastructure Levy Indexation

CIL payments must be index-linked from the year that CIL was introduced (2017) to the year that planning permission is granted. The index used up until December 2019 was the national All-in Tender Price Index published by the Build Cost Information Service (BCIS).

From January 2020 the RICS CIL Index is used to calculate CIL liability in accordance with Schedule 1 of the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended).

  • The RICS All-in Tender Price Index for 2017 ( CIL implementation) was 281.
  • The RICS CIL Index for 2020 was 334.
  • The RICS CIL Index for 2021 was 333.
  • The RICS CIL Index for 2022 was 332.
  • The RICS CIL Index for 2023 was 355.
  • The RICS CIL Index for 2024 is 381.

Further information on the CIL index-linking calculation can be found in Schedule 1 of the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended).

This Community Infrastructure Levy Calculator can help you work out the approximate amount payable.

Community Infrastructure Levy background documents

How to pay

The CIL bank details are:

Bank: National Westminster
Account: Somerset Council Receipts
Sort Code: 60-80-06
Account No: 70842132

Last updated: July 3, 2024

Next review due: January 3, 2025

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