You can apply for planning permission for mineral related developments, such as mineral extraction and ancillary works, quarries, peat workings and processing plants in Somerset. We monitor the sites regularly and take enforcement action when appropriate.
We recommend using a planning agent if submitting mineral applications, due to the complexity of the information required.
Mineral Developments
Mineral developments include:
- Extraction of minerals (quarrying)
- Extraction of peat
- Erection or installation of plant, machinery and buildings ancillary to mineral operations
- Review of Mineral Permission (ROMP) applications
Mineral planning applications are not included in the National Planning Application set of forms (1APP).
You can submit a mineral developments application by using the online application forms on the Somerset Planning Portal, or by downloading the Mineral Planning Application Form to submit by post. Guidance on completing a Mineral Planning Application is also given in our Notes For Users.
We encourage you to read our Planning Control Pre-application Advice Protocol before submitting an application. The Protocol sets out the benefits of seeking pre-application advice, what you can expect from us during the process, and what we expect from you. Please contact us to discuss your proposals before submitting an application by phoning us or by completing the online form.
Applications must be accompanied by:
- a completed certificate under Section 65 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
and if the owners of the land (or any part of the land) included in the application are not known:
- a notice under Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 may also be required. This notice must be published in a local newspaper circulating in the locality in which the application is situated
What happens next
When we receive a valid planning application we will write to you acknowledging receipt and will inform you of
- the application reference number
- the name of the officer dealing with your application
- the anticipated date when we expect to take the application to the Regulation Committee for determination
We will try to make decisions on mineral applications within 13 weeks of a valid application. If a Planning Performance Agreement is in place the timescale might change.
Planning fees are set by the Government. The fee payable depends on the nature and size of the development. Please refer to the Schedule of Planning Fees.
- Schedule of planning fees
- Pre-application advice protocol
- Pre Application form and agreement to pay charges
- Submit a minerals application – Please fill in this form and email it to us at
- Notes for users – mineral applications
- Review of old mining permissions (ROMP) application form
- Information on biodiversity and geological conservation
- Certificates under Section 65 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
- Notice Under Article 11 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010
- Minerals and Waste Validation Checklist
Contact the team
We deal with planning applications that relate to Minerals and Waste developments.
Our own Council developments, such as Schools, Libraries and Social Services developments and new roads are dealt with by our area planning teams. They are also responsible for other types of development including householder extensions, residential and business developments.
You can find more information on our apply for planning permission page.
Contact: Planning Minerals and Waste Team