Anyone can submit a waste related planning application. However due to the complexity of the information required we recommend that a planning agent is used to submit waste applications.
Your application must be submitted on the National Planning Application Forms (1APP). You can submit the form by post or online from the Planning Portal website and this must be accompanied by the information required by the Validation of Planning Applications document, which can be found in Downloads. We encourage you to read our Planning Control Pre-application Advice Protocol before submitting an application. The Protocol sets out the benefits of seeking pre-application advice, what you can expect from us during the process, and what we expect from you.
Applicants must also submit a completed certificate under Section 65 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 with their application. A notice under the Act may also be required if the owner of the land (or any part of the land) included in the application are not known. This notice must be published in a local newspaper circulating in the locality in which the application is situated.
What happens next?
When we receive a valid planning application we will write to you acknowledging receipt and will inform you of:
- the application reference number
- the name of the officer dealing with your application
- the anticipated date when we expect to take the application to the Regulation Committee for determination.
What is covered
Waste developments include:
- Landfill
- Waste disposal, including the formation of bunds or tracks or reprofiling land, for example at golf courses or farms
- Waste treatment and processing
- Energy from waste facilities
- Waste transfer stations
- Waste recycling and recovery plants
- Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs)
- Composting facilities, including open windrow, in-vessel and anaerobic digestion
- Sewage treatment plants
How long it takes
We will try to make decisions on waste applications within 13 weeks or 16 weeks for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) development. If a Planning Performance Agreement is in place this timescale might change.
Planning fees
Planning fees are set by central government. The fee payable depends on the nature and size of the development. Please read the Schedule of Planning Fees.
The Code of Planning Practice provides a clear statement of expectation of conduct and procedures to be followed, so that decisions are made and can be seen to have been made in a proper manner.
Please read the following documents before submitting a planning application:
- Planning Control Pre-application advice protocol
- The Validation of Planning Applications and Planning Application Requirements List
- Monitoring of Mineral and Waste Planning Permissions site monitoring leaflet
- Planning fees and charges
- Pre-application Advice Protocol
- Minerals and Waste Validation Checklist
- Requirement for information on Biodiversity and Geological Conservation
- National waste planning application forms
- Waste planning application form
- Notes for users on completing an application
- Certificates Under Section 65 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
- Notice under Article 11 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010
- A Guide to the fees for planning applications in England