You are now viewing information for the Somerset West and Taunton area
Change areaAdopted Local Plans
The Local Plan sets out a framework for the future development of the area. It looks at our needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure. It is also the basis for conserving and enhancing the natural and historic environment, mitigating and adapting to climate change, and achieving well designed places.
We are responsible for producing the Local Plan. The forthcoming Local Development Scheme will set out our timetable for a new Local Plan to cover the whole of Somerset, except for Exmoor National Park which produces its own Local Plan.
Until we adopt the Somerset Local Plan, existing Local Plans remain in place for the individual geographical areas of the former district councils.
Taunton Deane Local Plan
The Local Plan for the former Taunton Deane area is made up of the following documents.
Taunton Deane Core Strategy 2011 to 2028
The Core Strategy sets the vision for the area. The plan includes strategic policies and large mixed-use land allocations in Taunton and Wellington as well as a small number of high level development management policies.
Taunton Deane Site Allocations and Development Management Plan 2028
The Site Allocations and Development Management Plan sets out more detailed site allocations to meet land requirements up to 2028. It also includes specific, detailed development management policies. It fits within the framework of the adopted Core Strategy.
Taunton Town Centre Area Action Plan 2008
The Area Action Plan AAP sets out policies for the redevelopment of Taunton including key sites such as Firepool.
- Taunton Town Centre Area Action Plan
- Taunton Town Centre Area Policies Map
- Taunton Town Centre Design Code 2008
Taunton Deane Policies Map
Saved policies from the Taunton Deane Local Plan to 2011
The Taunton Deane Local Plan was adopted in 2004. Following the adoption of subsequent plans, most of the policies no longer apply, But three remain as Saved Policies as indicated in Appendix B of the Sites and Development Management Policies DPD.
West Somerset Local Plan
The Local Plan for the former West Somerset area is made up of the following documents.
West Somerset Local Plan 2032
The West Somerset Local Plan was adopted in November 2016. The document includes a set of planning policies for the parts of the area outside Exmoor National Park.
- West Somerset Local Plan
- West Somerset Local Plan appendices
- West Somerset Local Plan Policy HN5 – Landscape Character Areas
- West Somerset Local Plan Policy CC3 – Coastal Change Management Areas
- West Somerset Local Plan Inspector’s Report
West Somerset Policies Map
Saved policies from the West Somerset Local Plan 2006
Following adoption of the West Somerset Local Plan 2032, most of the policies within the West Somerset District Local Plan 2006 have been superseded. Some policies have been saved.