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Adopted Local Plans

The Local Plan sets out a framework for the future development of the area. It looks at our needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure. It is also the basis for conserving and enhancing the natural and historic environment, mitigating and adapting to climate change, and achieving well designed places.

We are responsible for producing the Local Plan. The forthcoming Local Development Scheme will set out our timetable for a new Local Plan to cover the whole of Somerset, except for Exmoor National Park which produces its own Local Plan.

Until we adopt the Somerset Local Plan, existing Local Plans remain in place for the individual geographical areas of the former district councils.

Document preview
Planning Policy Statement

Summary of planning policy documents relating to Somerset Council

PDF, 412KB

Sedgemoor Local Plan 2011 to 2032

The adopted Local Plan for the Sedgemoor area sets out the policy framework for future development in the area. It includes provision of housing, employment, retail and other facilities and infrastructure. The Sedgemoor Local Plan 2011 to 2032 was adopted on 20 February 2019.

Sedgemoor Policies Map

We recommend using the Interactive Version of the Policies Map  to easily view where the different policies apply. Alternatively, maps can be downloaded.

Last reviewed: July 10, 2024 by Keri

Next review due: January 10, 2025

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