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Adopted Local Plans

The Local Plan sets out a framework for the future development of the area. It looks at our needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure. It is also the basis for conserving and enhancing the natural and historic environment, mitigating and adapting to climate change, and achieving well designed places.

We are responsible for producing the Local Plan. The forthcoming Local Development Scheme will set out our timetable for a new Local Plan to cover the whole of Somerset, except for Exmoor National Park which produces its own Local Plan.

Until we adopt the Somerset Local Plan, existing Local Plans remain in place for the individual geographical areas of the former district councils.

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Planning Policy Statement

Summary of planning policy documents relating to Somerset Council

PDF, 412KB

Mendip Local Plan Parts I and II

The Planning policies for the Mendip area are contained in the Mendip Local Plan Part 1 and Part 2 which cover the period from 2006 to 2029.

Local Plan Part I was adopted in December 2014 and Local Plan Part 2 in December 2021.

Local Plan Part II was adopted in December 2021 identifying additional housing and employment sites.

You can view the Local Plan and current Policies Map below.

Mendip Local Plan Part II – Limited Update

Following a Judicial Review into Local Plan Part II, the following site allocations were deleted from the plan on 16  December 2022 – MN1, MN2, MN3, BK1 and NSP1 and remitted to the council for reconsideration. The remainder of adopted Local Plan Part II is not affected.  A related Judicial Review into the changes made to the Mendip Policies Map was dismissed on 14 July 2023. More information on the Judicial Review can be found at the bottom of the page, in the Judicial Review section.

The Council is currently undertaking the process required (under paragraph 6 of a High Court Order made on 16 December 2022) to consider where to allocate 505 units consequent on the judgement. This may result in new allocations and amendments to development boundaries once complete. This Order was updated on 14 July 2023 setting specific dates for consultation and submission. An application to amend the dates in the Order was made in December 2023 and confirmed on 19 February 2024. Following a call for sites and a district-wide review, the Council consulted on proposed housing allocations in the former Mendip area which will provide 505 dwellings by 2029. This took place from 28 February to 12 April 2024.

Publication of Site Allocations for Submission (Regulation 19)

The Council is inviting representations on the Submission Plan and accompanying documents until 12 August 2024.

Following the publication period, responses will be made available online and provided to the Planning Inspectorate. The submission policies do not make revisions to the adopted Mendip Local Plan Parts I and II.

Publication Notice LPR19-01

The Council has considered in detail the responses made to the consultation on the draft plan (Reg 18) stage. These are summarised, together with the council response, in the Consultation Statement – June 2024.

How you can make representations

You can make representations on the Submission Policies document and the supporting information used to justify the identified sites. Links for the documents are below.

  • Responses should refer to the individual sites/policies and set out reasons for objection and changes sought
  • Responses should focus on the ‘soundness’ of plan proposals or legal compliance
  • Please refer to the Guidance Notes below before completing the online form

Regulation 19 – Guidance Notes

Responses should be made using the online response form on the Consultation Portal. Additional documents can be attached (2 documents up to 10MB). Please refer to the Guidance Notes before completing the online form.

If necessary, you can also email responses to, or post them to Planning Policy, Council Offices, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5BT.  The deadline for responses is 11.59pm on Monday 12 August 2024.

Online Briefings

Dates for the online briefing covering the Mendip Limited Update –
Regulation 19 stage are:

Monday 15th July 11.30am – 12:15pm
Join the meeting now

Monday 29th July 18:30 – 19:15pm
Join the meeting now

Availability of Publication Documents

Inspection copies of documents are available at the Shape Mendip offices in Shepton Mallet. Publication documents can also be viewed online from other Council Access Points (CAP).

Publication Documents – Submission Plan and Compliance (Regulation 19)

Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Assessment

Site and Settlement Assessments (with updates from Reg 18 draft consultation)

Limited Update – Submission and examination

Following the period for making representations, responses will be made available online and submitted for examination with the plan and supporting documents. The Council will prepare a consultation report summarising matters and issues for examination. Given the timescales for submission, the council will not be proposing changes before submission and these will be considered as part of the examination process. Progress on the submission stage will be updated on this page and via the Plan-it Somerset Newsletter Sign-up.

Judicial Review – upheld 16 December 2022

Judicial Review – dismissed 14 July 2023

Local Plan Part 2 Archive 2014-2020

Last reviewed: July 10, 2024 by Keri

Next review due: January 10, 2025

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