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Get Snap Happy this Mental Health Awareness week (15 – 21 May)

April 28, 2023

Press Release

Public Health

Somerset residents have been asked to share photos of their favourite ‘Happy Place’ in advance of Mental Health Awareness week (15 – 21 May). The theme of the 2023 campaign is anxiety, and those taking part can share photos of…

Somerset Youth Parliament urges schools to promote new mental health app for students

April 26, 2023

Children and Families

Health and Wellbeing

Press Release

A new mental health app for young people has been launched in Somerset. The free Tellmi app is now available for all local 11-18 year olds, and gives young people the tools to manage their own mental health and support…

Join us for weekend of Coronation celebrations

April 26, 2023



Health and Wellbeing

Press Release

A host of artists and performers from across Somerset will be taking part in a weekend of celebrations to mark the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort on 6 and 7 May. There will…

City break escape is new bonus lottery prize

April 26, 2023

Press Release

Somerset West Lottery is taking part in an initiative that could secure a city break for the lucky winner. It is the new, national bolt-on prize – the third prize initiative to launch this year. Everyone who signs up to buy…

Deadline approaches for two Alternative Fund Energy payments

April 26, 2023

Press Release

Householders in Somerset could be due for government payments to help towards the costs of heating their homes, under two separate schemes. The first scheme is for those who heat their homes with an alternative fuel such as wood pellets,…

Attention Somerset: important collection day information

April 26, 2023

Press Release


Unfortunately, there will be delays to some collections this week. Crews are collecting on your ‘normal’ collection days on the week beginning 1st May. This is to accommodate the extra day off for the King’s coronation and the resulting back-to-back…

Help make Somerset more accessible: your views needed

April 25, 2023

Press Release

Public Health

A year-long project to make Somerset more accessible for Disabled people was launched on 1 April 2023. ‘Accessible Somerset’ is an ambitious project which will ask Disabled people how their life could be improved in various areas. The project is…

Greener homes project lands crucial grant funding

April 25, 2023

Climate Emergency

Press Release

A ground-breaking project to help Somerset homes become more energy efficient has won crucial funding. Somerset Climate Action Network (SomersetCAN) in collaboration with Somerset Council and Frome, Glastonbury, and Bruton Town Councils, have successfully bid for a £50,000 grant to…

Somerset recycling goes top 30

April 25, 2023

Press Release


Somerset’s green-minded residents have helped the county climb into the top 30 councils for recycling. In Defra’s recently published league tables, Somerset’s 2021-2022 recycling rate of 56.2% ranks it 28 out of 228 local authorities – putting it in the…

Taunton Parish Council: Notice of Poll published

April 25, 2023

Press Release

Formal Notice of Poll is being published today (Tuesday 25 April) in advance of the elections to the new Taunton Parish Council on 4 May. The Notice covers all 14 wards for the new parish-level council which came into being…

Penny Farthing shaped bike racks installed in Somerset

April 24, 2023

Climate Emergency


Health and Wellbeing

Press Release


Bike racks, shaped as Penny Farthing bicycles, have been installed across Somerset East area (formerly Mendip District Council) as a legacy gift to residents. A consultation for local residents asked where they would like bike racks installed and over 180…

Resurfacing works set for A39 in Porlock next week

April 21, 2023

Press Release


Somerset Council will undertake resurfacing works on the A39 High Street in Porlock, near Minehead, next week. The resurfacing works will take place from Monday 24 April to Friday 28 April. These works will be undertaken under a night-time road…

Flushing away inequalities – accessible toilet arrives in Glastonbury

April 21, 2023



Press Release

Glastonbury residents and visitors with disabilities can now enjoy a stress-free visit to the famous town, thanks to a new Changing Places toilet pod installed in St John’s Car Park. Last year Mendip District Council was successful in applying for government…

Deadline approaches for Voter ID applications

April 21, 2023

Press Release

There are just five days left to apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate for voters who not have not got another accepted form of photo ID they can use in polling stations this May. Anyone who needs the free…

BT handed heavy fine for roadworks violations

April 20, 2023

Press Release


Nearly £15k of fines were handed to BT for roadworks offences in Bridgwater. The telecommunications firm was found guilty of two offences which included failing to ensure the safety of pedestrians. Somerset Council is responsible for managing the road network…

Soft plastic recycling collections piloted in parts of Frome

April 20, 2023


A small-scale pilot of the collection of plastic bags and wrapping for recycling will be starting in Somerset next month – for invitees only. Following the success of expanded Recycle More collections, Somerset Council successfully bid to be part of…

How a small Somerset town grew its care and volunteer workforce and brought in a cool £1m in unclaimed benefits

April 19, 2023


Press Release

A small Somerset town has brought in more than £1.4m in unclaimed benefits and seen its community care workforce expand from just 3 to 35 since its homegrown care scheme was established in 2018.Wiveliscombe – or ‘Wivey’ as it’s known…

Culturally Chard: Spring Festival 27-29 April 2023

April 19, 2023


Press Release

Your Somerset

Culturally Chard is a three-year programme dedicated to celebrating the local character, culture, history and heritage of Chard, exploring what makes the evolving high street a special and unique place, relevant to current and future generations. Culture, creativity and heritage…

Voices of young people needed to influence policy and services

April 19, 2023

Children and Families

Press Release


Somerset Youth Forum – a group of young people who meet to influence local policy and services – is looking for young people with ideas and enthusiasm aged between 11 and 18 years (or up to 24 years for young…

Sign-up for the latest climate news this Earth Day

April 19, 2023

Climate Emergency

Press Release

Earth Day on Saturday 22 April is the annual celebration of the achievements of the environmental movement, and the perfect prompt to start getting the latest news on climate matters sent straight to your inbox. The new Somerset Council cross-county…