On 28 September 2023, following an investigation, Somerset Council served two Planning Enforcement Notices on the owner and occupiers of the buildings and land at the ZigZag Building near Glastonbury, alleging breaches of planning control.

The owner of the land has appealed the enforcement notices to the Planning Inspectorate who are an independent government body, requesting a public inquiry.

Somerset Council was informed on 22 December that there will be a public inquiry which will be held on 16th April 2024 and is listed to last four days, venue to be confirmed. It is hoped there will be a written decision by the end of May 2024.
This means that interested parties now have the opportunity to comment by making written representations to the Planning Inspectorate concerning the appeal.

All representations must be made by Friday, 2nd February 2024. Any comments submitted after this deadline will not be looked at by the Inspector and returned.

The Inspector requests that three copies of letters should be submitted but the Planning Inspectorate does not acknowledge receipt of correspondence.

Once published, the letter and subsequent information from the Planning inspectorate can be found at https://www.somerset.gov.uk/planning-buildings-and-land/planning-appeals/

People wishing to make a representation will need to quote the full appeal address:
Land and Buildings Known as the Zig Zag Building and Attached Carpark, Morland Road, Northover Glastonbury BA6 9FT, as well as the following reference numbers: APP/E3335/C/23/3333353 and APP/E3335/C/23/3333354.

Representations can be made via:

E-Mail: teame5@planninginspectorate.gov.uk or In writing: Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN

Queries about the process can be made by phone: 0303 444 5000

Further help with how to make an appeal is available from the government website: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/enforcement-appeals-procedural-guide or by contacting the Somerset enforcement team (planningenforcementeast@somerset.gov.uk)

The public appeal documentation is available to view at Somerset Council Offices, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5BT during the hours of 9.30am – 4pm Monday to Friday from Thursday 4 January 2024.

Somerset Council will publish the procedure and dates of the hearing via traditional media, social media and signs near the site.


About this article

January 5, 2024

Melissa Webb


Press Release