The next phase of planned public realm enhancement works to Yeovil Town Centre will commence in the Wyndham Street area from Monday, 25 September as part of the Yeovil Refresh scheme.

Ahead of this, preparatory work will be taking place in the streets within the area, which includes the end of Middle Street, sections of Sherbourne Road, Wyndham Street and Newton Road.

With a focus on drainage upgrades to mitigate flood risk, kerb alignment to meet highway standard and road/footway resurfacing, roads will remain open to vehicles and pedestrian access maintained throughout the works, with works areas being coned off and active traffic management systems in place. Businesses in the works area will remain open throughout.

Key elements of the work include:

  • updating the pedestrian crossing points at the junction of all of the streets, known locally as Reckleford Triangle
  • introducing wider pavements to improve pedestrian navigation
  • creating new on-street parking bays in Newton Road
  • introducing raised beds for planting in Newton Road

to deliver an appealing, safer and fit for purpose environment for residents, visitors and businesses.

Cllr Mike Rigby, Lead Member for Transport and Digital commented:

The Yeovil Refresh is an ambitious programme of works to improve and enhance Yeovil Town Centre for all. Our aim is to attract investment, make Yeovil an appealing place to visit and an enjoyable place to live.

The programme has not been without its challenges, however we are committed to delivering the planned development, public realm and transport system enhancements and we remain on track to do so.

Works have recently completed on Wine Street and Westminster Street; works at the Borough, High Street, and the Triangle continue apace. Works to date have included underground utility maintenance, renewal and diversion, installation of new kerb lines, modernisation of paving, upgraded drainage systems and the installation of street furnishings and soft landscaping, ensuring a sustainable basis for the future.

The next phase due to commence in the Wyndham Street area will see further progress and improvement and we along with our partners will be working hard to ensure that disruption is minimised and that businesses in the area of works continue to be kept in regular contact throughout.

Meetings with Yeovil Town Council and Yeovil Chamber are reconvening to ensure that stakeholders are kept informed and up to date with the project.

Traffic management will be in place in the area until late January 2024, with temporary traffic lights coming into use at the end of the works only, to enable resurfacing of the streets.

A spokesperson at South West Highways Ltd, Yeovil Refresh Principal Contractor advised:

We are visiting the businesses within the works area and will be keeping regular contact with them during the works. We are committed to ensuring that these businesses remain accessible throughout the works and that disruption to residents, visitors and businesses alike is minimised.

Areas of work and anticipated start/end dates are shown on the Wyndham Street area works map



Newton Road, Yeovil

About this article

September 20, 2023

Gayatri Barua-Howe


Press Release