Two of Yeovil’s main streets, High Street and Borough, have been re-opened to pedestrians in time for Remembrance Day commemorations this weekend.

Closed since April, High Street, Hendford and Borough have undergone extensive reconstruction and upgrading as part of the public realm enhancements of the Yeovil Refresh scheme.

Key to these works have been the improvement of Borough’s position in the heart of the town’s conservation area along with the setting around the War Memorial.

Works have included a complete rebuild of the High Street, the upper area of Hendford and Borough below and above street level. High friction surfacing of these roads is due to take place within the next month, which will allow vehicles and bus services return to the heart of the town.

Cllr Ros Wyke, Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning & Assets commented:

I am delighted that the High Street and Borough have been re-opened to pedestrians ahead of the town’s Remembrance commemorations and parade this weekend, some six weeks ahead of schedule.

It was always important that the area around the War Memorial is free of works ahead of Remembrance Day. It is thanks to the continued efforts of our team and partners, and the patience of residents and local businesses, that this has been achieved.

While there is work to be done to complete the surfacing of these roads, the enhancements to this area have significantly improved this popular part of the town centre.

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About this article

November 13, 2023

Gayatri Barua-Howe


Press Release